-Strength for Today- "The Glory of God." - Psalm 19:1-2.
God’s manifest presence should be the consuming passion in our lives, and the dread of every step we take without Him. Because no matter where we walk on the plateaus of this earth, God’s glory, and the “fingerprint” left on everything He touches, and is the “evidence that we’re seeing His glory. “The heavens (what God created) declare the glory (evidence) of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork” -Psalm 19:1. That's what “glory” is.
Glory is God’s “supernatural signature;” a “fingerprint” that shows where the “supernatural signet “of God has been at work. So, even if the human race were suddenly struck blind, “the sun” would continue to “shine by day,” and the “moon” will continue “glowing” in the star lit sky “by night,” and God would continue to exist in “His resplendent glory.”
And to this the psalmist said, “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge” - Psalm 19:2. The glory of creation is shouting, with divine brilliance, that there's a “Sovereign God” who’s “in control,” and the “Creator of it all.
God’s glory is His “purposeful reason” that everything “exists,” and the only reason we get to “draw another breath,” on “this side of eternity.” God desires that in every action we display the “glorious reality,” of He who made us. “Glory” is the “purpose” of “salvation,” “That we should be to the praise of His glory, who first trusted in Christ” - Ephesians 1:12. In addition, glory is the “reason” we’re “sanctified.” This “blessed fact” reveals that our body is now the “temple of the Holy Spirit” has two sides:
1. He’s ours, and
2. We’re His.
Because of the faith we place in Jesus’ accomplished work on Calvary’s hill. This “redemptive” act” has profound significance for the believer, “For we are bought with a price :(the blood of God’s only Son) therefore, glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Isaiah said, “Thus says God the Lord, who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread forth the earth and that which comes from it, who gives breath to the people on it, and spirit to those who walk on it: “I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house. I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to carved images” - Isaiah 42:5-8.
Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD