-Strength for Today- Experiencing God's Love - John 4:25-26.
Many people allow what they were taught about another ethnic group to hinder them from “experiencing God’s love.” But anything you’ve been taught that doesn’t line up with God’s description of “loving your neighbor of love is WRONG!
Most people are only comfortable with those whom they share the same identifying c characteristics. In John chapter 4, when Jesus said, “I must need go through Samaria”- John 4:4. Here we have, from the KJV, a play on two words:
1. Must, and
2. Need
The word “must” show the necessity or the importance of a purpose. Whereas the word “need," expresses the exactness, and the essential importance of that purpose. Jesus Said in Luke 19: 10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and save that which was lost.”
When Jesus decided to pass through Samaria, He knew “exactly” what He was doing, and His disciples couldn’t believe He wanted to take that route, even though it was the shortest way home. You know how it is today, we’ll go out of our way to avoid certain areas. But sometimes, you “must” “need” go “across the tracks,” because that’s where your appointment is. Sometimes you can't let your “prejudiced church folk” know about your appointment, as did Jesus with His disciples. As He stopped to rest beside the well, they urged Him to keep moving, (verse2), Finally, He sent them into the city to buy food – v. 8.
When the woman showed up to draw water, Jesus asked her for a drink –verse 7. And by simply talking to her a:
- Woman whose life was far from pure,
- He violated Jewish rules,
Because only women who lived sinful lifestyles came to the well at midday. Yet this was exactly “when” and “where” she met the Savior and where He told her of God’s unconditional love for her.
Jesus is still willing to go “anywhere” to meet us. When we come to know and experience His personal love for us, we’ll finally understand how to worship Him. She became a believer, (vv. 10, 13-15), and her:
- Faith, and
- Peace
Were so powerful that those who heard her speak couldn’t wait to meet her Savior. Like the woman at the well, you’re never outside the reach of God’s love. Keep your eyes open for Him. He’s closer than you think.
Just as I Am
Just as I am, without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee, O Lamb of God, I come! I come
Just as I am, though tossed about, with many a conflict, many a doubt. Fighting and fears within without O Lamb of God, I come, I come
Written by Charolett Elliot 1835