-Strength for Today-  "On Eternity’s Morning, Where Will You Stand?"?  - Matthew 7: 13-14.

-Strength for Today- "On Eternity’s Morning, Where Will You Stand?" - Matthew 7: 13-14.

We’re treading on some dangerous ground today, and the Holy Spirit wants to expose us of these dangers as we come to “life’s folks in the road.”  Because sooner or later we’ll all confronted with choices. But one way or the other we’ll have to make a choice, and that choice could be good,” or it “could be bad.” But again, without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, “we really don’t know which road to travel” 

In Matthew 7: 13-14, Jesus spoke with clarity pertaining to the two roads, and the two eternities.  He said, “Enter ye in the straight gate: for broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." Yes, there’re “two different roads that you can travel in life,” “two different destinies,” “two different destinations,” and they both are eternal. “One leads to Heaven” and the other leads to “the “Lake of fire.” 

on this side of “eternity” have you chosen a life inquiring of God, where there’s has been a life of faith in the promises of God, or will you have chosen “the way of darkness,” in other words “a life spent rejecting God’s provision of salvation?” Now if you’re standing “gazing with confusion,” you need to know that Jesus Christ has come and He can “rescue all people” from the “way of darkness, (Luke 19:10),” and transfer them onto the “narrow road that leads to life.” How? Because He’s God. 

And because He’s God, He has the power through His Father’s grip of grace on us. If “you’re not on your way to light,” “you’re standing at the crossroads of life, “in the way of darkness.” So, right where you are, I beg you to run to Jesus Christ right now, which is a life that’s “apart” from the “prideful crowd of this world.” Run to Him now, and “lean not unto your own understanding” but with a willing heart, “trust in Him for the forgiveness of your sins.” Because on that “eternity morning, you’ll rejoice because of the “guidance of the Holy Spirit, that as Robert Frost said of the two roads, “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference! 

 Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD




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