-Strength for Today- “The Effect of Evil.” - Ephesians 6: 12-13.
??Evil?isn't?“something,”?it is?“someone.”??And the greatest mistake you or I can make is to?“play into Satan’s hand”?by?“over,”?or?“underestimating” the influence of?“evil,”?in the world.?Looking at?the?“arena’s?which are?“governing the affairs of the world,”?we?have to?conclude that the?key to overcoming?“the activity”?and?“influence of evil”?is to conclude that the players?“perpetrating” “evil”?is much like a?“virus,”?that?we “can’t seem to shake, due to the?“godless,”?and?“soulless” influences being?“spun”?by the?“evil one.”?
Yes, we do have churches that are assembling, but sadly across the board?“denominationally,”?there’s?a greater “influx on ideology?pertaining to?religiosity,” than there is to “the relational intent of the gospel.”?And?it’s?not?easy to speak on?“spiritual things,” from a?“religious?minded point?of view.”?
I’ve?found, over the years that the?“basic problem”?with?“religious minded people”?is?that of?“insincerity.”??
The key to overcoming the?“activity”?and?“influence”?of?“evil”?is to recognize it. Because,?“evil” in?any form is an?“usurping influence”?which is?“opposed?to?God’s righteousness.”?
So,?recognizing that?the?“overwhelming?circumstances”?in the world,?“isn’t due to flesh and blood,”?but are being driven by?“principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual?wickedness?in high places”?(Ephesians 6:12), and with such?“spirit filled exposure,” “the light of Christ is exposed,”?and?“the darkness of evil loses its power.”???
The Bible is?crystal clear?in its?perception?of?“evil,”?by which the Word of God exposes?“the undermining influence of?Satan,” and “the fallen angels,”?by shining the Light of Jesus Christ on?“his demise,”?as being?“the one,” “who is,”?and?will always be?“continuously evil”?and?“a?morally corrupt thief.”?To this?Jesus said,?“the thief cometh not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly”?(John 10:10), that life was?absolutely assured for all who’ll believe in the?“sacrificial work”?that He?accomplished?on?Calvary.?
??So, if you?don’t?recognize Satan’s strategies,?it’s?hard to defeat them. But once you see them and hold them up to the light of Jesus Christ, they lose their power!?
??But if you?don’t?have that power today, I pray that you change your mind, and allow the light of Jesus Christ to shine in on your?‘willing soul,”?by believing that Jesus’?“death,” "burial,” and?resurrection?brought?“saving light to your life.”?
?Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD