-Strength for Today-   "A Divine Awakening."?  -  Luke 21:8-11.

-Strength for Today- "A Divine Awakening." - Luke 21:8-11.

There's a of divisions that’s dividing us. people today, despite this mysterious coronavirus disease, to some degree, recognize that this mysterious scientific virus is an evil confrontation, and is shedding fear, where there should be faith. The focus lies in the various laboratories of uncertainty.  But if we, as people of faith, would do with God what we’ve done with the coronavirus, virus, and center on Him, (2 Chronicles 7:14),   

  • Our lives,   
  • Our families,  

Our churches and 

  • Our culture would be a much better place. 

      That's why I believe that this universal “out-break,” as serious as it is, is a divine awakening, allowed by God, as a chance for a “divine reset.” Yes, over the last few months, it's been a challenge, but it's also has been an opportunity for all of us to “reset” our priorities with God. 

   People, including a multitude of Christians, are  

  • Afraid,  
  •  Fearful, and  
  • Insecure,   

     Because of that which is “perceptible by touch,” such as the loss of, “businesses,” and “jobs,” are in trouble, which opens the door for the church in practical ways to:  

  • Demonstrate God's love, but also to  
  • Draw people into the dimension of faith,   

     And a deeper relationship with God. And as far as the prophetic message goes, one of three things are happening: 

  1. God is allowing this “pandemic.” to reset the culture and the world and give us another opportunity to come back to him – 2 Peter 3:9.   

2. We’re at end times and Christ is soon to return, and this shows how quickly God can bring us to our knees – Luke 21:8-11, or  

3. This is a wakeup call to the church to show that there’s a major problem, and that the church might be the salt and light of the world- Matthew 5:13-14. 

Having said that,  it's never wrong to confess our sins and pray—in fact it is our duty as believers to continuously confess and forsake our sins so that they will not hinder us (Hebrews 12:1) and to pray for our nation. Even if God did use our efforts to bring about national repentance and revival, there's no guarantee that our nation be politically or economically saved. As believers, we're guaranteed personal salvation in Christ (Romans 8:1), and we are also guaranteed that God will use us to accomplish His purposes, whatever they may be. It is our duty as believers to: 

  • Live holy lives,  
  • Seek God,  
  • Pray and  
  • Share the gospel, 

  Knowing that all who believe will be saved.  


He was not willing that any should perish...  

He was not willing that any should perish; Jesus enthroned in the glory above, saw our poor fallen world, pitied our sorrows, poured out His life for us, wonderful love! 

Perishing, perishing! Thronging our pathway, hearts break with burdens too heavy to bear: Jesus would save, but there’s no one to tell them, no one to lift them from sin and despair. 

 Written by: Lucy Rider Meyer 


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