-Strength for Today- "Broken Liberty." - Amos: 5:24.
I remember being in the City of Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, back in 2002, and seeing the “crack in the liberty bell.” ?Pondering on that display, I thought about “the racial problems” and “the misrepresentation of liberty” that “have gone on since America’s inception,” and “why?the root of that problem hasn't been addressed by the people,” who’re most qualified to address it “the church!”?
I say that because “the goal of the church should be to glorify God by reflecting His values,” by letting “His truth be the standard,” by which we measure “right” and “wrong” and the way we accept “our skin color,” “class,” and “culture.” ?I want to say to the church that: “God is a God who loves the variety in His garden called earth,” and “each one of us has equal value;” after all, “He died for each one!”?
Originally cast to commemorate the fifty-year anniversary of William Penn’s Charter of Privileges, was the quotation that “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto?all?the inhabitants thereof,” and was especially suited to the circumstances surrounding the intent of the Charter and its anniversary.” That quotation from “Leviticus 25:10,” which came immediately after the command, “Consecrate the fiftieth year.” It was followed by the statement, “It shall be a jubilee for you; each one of you is to return to his family property and each to his own clan.”?
At this time in biblical history, according to this passage, all Jews who’d been sold into slavery were set free (Leviticus 25:40–41) and “not only was liberty a possibility in light of the Jubilee,” but “it was guaranteed.” Liberty and the end of slavery was “simultaneous realities,” and “mutually dependent upon each other” in relationship “to the call for jubilee.”?
Yet at the time in America when the jubilee was inscribed on the side of that “cracked bell,” “the liberty it announced for a few,” was?“aborted for many,” because “slavery continued with no foreseeable end,” and was “sanctioned not only by society,” but “also by the church.”?
But?“just as the liberty bell suffered a fracture in 1846,” “a compound fracture has zigzagged through the body of Christ,” keeping African American’s?largely divided along “racial” and “class lines.” And Issues of race “smolder beneath the news headlines” such as “immigration reform,” “racial profiling,” and “police brutality, should tell us “That the love of God, which?should be taught,”?has “taken a back seat in the church.”?
Right now, there’s a battle over what’s “capitalistically,” or socialistically correct.” But only “when truth is the absolute standard” and the “thoughts” and “actions” of our “society,” and “churches” are “godly aligned” will “... justice?roll on like a river, and righteousness?like a never-failing stream” - Amos 5:12. Because any other way “will only abort God’s kingdom view of righteousness.”?
Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD