-Strength for Today-   'Being Part of a Larger Community.   - Matthew 28:18-20.

-Strength for Today- 'Being Part of a Larger Community. - Matthew 28:18-20.

   A few years ago, a woman new to our congregation began attending our praise and worship services by herself. So, one day I asked her, “what drew here to our place of worship? To my surprise, she said to me, “I realized that if I were to die soon, I’d have nobody to bury me. I need to be part of a larger community.” 

   I say this because even though many “church buildings” are closed, due to the corona virus pandemic, yet the “Builder” of “His” church is adamant, concerning His purpose, ..., “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” - Matthrew 16:16. 

   Therefore, for us to carryout Jesus’ transforming commission, there must be clarity of purpose. To this Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach “all” nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Even though many aren’t meeting in physical buildings, God has opened doors so that the "local church,” regardless of the size of its congregation, can now become part of a much larger community. I thank God for the availability of technology. Because from our locations, by way of:  

  • A Conference line,  
  • Facebook,  
  • Linked in,  
  • Video,  
  • YouTube, and 
  •  Zoom. 

   All these advancements can be used for the sake of the gospel. While the Gospel has gone to every political country in the world. But when Jesus commanded His followers to "make disciples of “all” nations," (Matthew 28:18-20), His intent wasn’t based upon political hinderances, but upon a “larger community” hearing His salvation story.  

   We know that God will deal fairly with those who’ve not received a direct presentation of the gospel, just as He will deal fairly with those who have. Because God’s way is wide enough for everyone willing to accept it and receive Jesus Christ. As their personal savior 

The most important question any of us can answer is the one Jesus asked His disciples, “But whom say ye that I Am?” - Matthew 16:15; Mark 8:29; Luke 9:20. 

 Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD



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