The Strength of a nation lies in the courage of its leader.
Juhinah Batool
Lecturer AI & DS | AI/ML Specialist | Lean Six Sigma Yellow and Black Belt
There is contradiction in the narrative of historian about Zunyi Conference participants and decision made in conference. However, the importance of the Long March and role of Mao Zedong is unquestionable, which change the faith of Hong Kong. As the Argument goes, Mao Zedong had great impact in history of Hong Kong while the point of bickering is the role assign to Mao in Conference. Let this confusion be cleared first, According to a Chinese source that proves that till 1943 there was not as such any post of Chairmen or Secretariat neither in Political Bureau nor in Central Committee. Nevertheless there exist a team of core leadership who were responsible for the day to day working. Thought the core don’t have a fixed name. Hence in Nutshell, Mao Zedong entered in core leaders of the Political Bureau of the Party’s Central Committee. Even though the Leaders like Wang Ming and Bo Gu didn’t have any title of their roles. This proves that at time of Long March there wasn’t any standing Committee of Communist party.
The accession of Mao Zedong in era 1935 wasn’t preliminary, he had played role of leading Cadres and Centre Executive in 1921 and 1924 respectively of Central Bureau of Communist Party. However, a gap of decade is overserved by historian in career of Mao after being accused of rightest policies. Mao attainment in 1927 was creation of Jiangxi Soviet, which gave way to Chinese Communist Part to gain strength (CCP). CCP was at brink of extinction.?But the involvement of CCP in Jiangxi weekend the position of the position of Mao. Mao was replace by Zhou Enlai from its position as political Commissar of the first front army. Under the umbrella of tittle “Luo-Ming Line” a campaign was run against Mao, who regardless of support by Deng Xiaoping lost his position as chairman of Council. During this era Mao political career reached rock bottom along with the physical illness.
Consequently, Long March was the name of struggle to resists five ‘encirclement’ campaigns by Guomindang that were aimed to destroy communist base. The first three was resist under Mao Zadon and later by Zhou Enlai and Otto Braun, respectively. The catastrophe of the march was it reduce the strength of Red Army to one third. The root cause to this devastation was the Red Army was led by ‘triumvirate’, who failed to develop effective military strategy. Mao success in first three was acknowledge by Military Leaders who survive the march. Nie Rongzhen and Lie Weihan (Nie, 1983:120-121) published their memories as:
“…When we used Comrade Mao Zedong's strategies and tactics during the first four campaigns against 'encirclement', we achieved magnificent victories. But at the time of the fifth campaign against 'encirclement' it was different. Even though great changes in the enemy's situation took place, during the fight against the enemy the basic problems were the leadership and the line…”
“…Only afterwards did I learn that the 'leftist' opportunist leaders planned to join the Second and Sixth Army in the Hunan-Hubei-Sichuan-Guizhou base. When the enemy realized this, he tried to encircle us with 400 000 troops in three lines, thus creating the fourth blockade and intending to annihilate our whole army at the Xiang river. Therefore the battle of the Xiang River became very difficult and the Red Army lost more than half of its troops. (…) This made people wonder why the campaigns against the first, second, third and fourth 'encirclement' succeeded and the fifth one was such a disastrous failure.”
The?Zunyi Conference collectively was set of five different meetings and decisions made during the Long March(from Dec 1934 – March1935). Held in Tonglao, Liping, Zunyi, Jimingsansheng and Yaxi. The conference hold by the Central Army Leader at the time when Guomindand Troops created blocked to Red Army’s way to Western Hunan. Red Army had great loss while comforting, at the wake of this situation Mao Zedong represent the idea to change the route of Red Army towards northward which will help to avoid unwelcome battle with enemy.?While other leaders oppose the idea of changing the route. But due to Otto Braun Military dominance the decision was fall in favors of Otto Braun.?Aftermath of the westward movement of Red Army a meeting was held in Liping, where the decision to change of plan were made. The Army will move towards Zunyi and establish its base in Northern Guizhaou. In Zunyi a large meeting held in which discussion about future military strategies were made. This decision were silver lining to the Mao Zedong political career. This lessen the Otto Braun’s influence and Mao Zedong’s position gain the strength lose earlier. Zunyi Conference prove to be the return of Mao into power. The plan of action in Zunyi was first Red Army will entered in Zunyi and then Leaders of Political and Military Affair will gather to attend meeting. Starting from ‘general Secretary’ report to Mao fiercely speech towards military strategy of Otto Braun and finally assignment of new roles. Collectively, was success of Mao as Militant Leader that was wholeheartedly admire and supported by Wang Jiaxiang and other leaders. Mao Zedong was elected as Chairman of the Central Government of Chinese Soviet Republic. The final decision of this conference was?to support Mao’s ideology, draft resolution of Zunyi Conference, dissolvent of ‘triumvirate’ military leadership and establishment of the Soviet Base in Western Sichuan. The final meetings of this series held in Jimingsanshen and Yaxi in which Otto Braun was finally replaced by Zhand Wentian. The way Otto Braun stated the situation.
“These facts indicate that Mao's 'victory' at Tsunyi was not so complete nor his predominance in the Politburo so secure as they appeared to me at the time." (Braun, 1982:104)
Certainly, Mao wasnot elected to be Chairmen of any of high table during the Zunyi Conference. But in Mao hold position as Chairman of Communist Party, Political Bureau, Secretariat of Central Committee and Central Military Affairs, respectively. This miracle happen during the Long March when Zhang Guatao’s troops reach Northern Shanxi, a new Committee for Central Military Affairs formed to Mao Zedong was elected as Chairman. By this Guatao’s influence hit the rock bottom and he helplessly left the province. During the mid-summer of 1937 another meeting was held in Luochuan of the Political Bureau in which Mao Zedong's title was changed from ‘Chairman’ to ‘secret rat’. However, in practice the title of Chairman was used, continuously.
At long last, Political Bureau formally established a Secretariat at 1943, in which Mao Zedong was elected as Chairman and On 23 June Mao Zedong was elected Chairman of the Military Affairs Committee.
Tailpiece, after years of the Zunyi Conference and even though of strong opposition, Mao Zedong emerged as acknowledged ‘Chairman Mao’, due to his Military and Political victorious strategies.