Strength to Dominate Family Office Outreach
Danielle Patterson
Connecting Family Offices, UHNWI, & Service Providers | CEO & Owner of Family Office List
"Never trust your fears, they don't know your strength" ~ Athena Singh
Many people feel intimidated to forge new relationships with Family Offices. How do I get my foot in the door? Why would they want to hear from someone they don’t know? These are valid questions, but come from a place of fear.
The purpose of a Family Office is to manage, preserve and increase the family's wealth for both current and future generations. As the world as we know it constantly changes, so does “business as usual”. Over the past 10+ years we’ve seen dramatic shifts in the Family Office sector with a new openness to direct investing and investment partnerships. These trends have brought more public awareness to the sector. Not only do you see Family Offices being frequently mentioned in mainstream media, but we also hear more about investment mandates.
Family Offices now approach us to make sure their profiles accurately list specific investment preferences. More than ever, we see Family Office forging new relationships and a willingness to think outside the box so as not to miss emerging opportunities.
If you have a unique and lucrative opportunity, do your research to identify well-suited Family Offices. Ask yourself, what are my strengths? How is my opportunity unique? What value can I offer that is easy to relate to? In truly understanding your strengths & what sets you apart from your competition, you’ll confidently relay value. Being personable yet concise while always taking a value-add approach is key. By focusing on those who understand your industry and are in alignment with your offering, you’ll have a head start to a meaningful relationship.
A common phrase heard in the family office sector, “When you have seen one family office, you have seen one family office”, is it true due to the vast nature in which wealth is acquired, managed and re-invested. There’s no one size fits all approach, so having tools like our platform allowing clients to apply filters to targeted relevant prospects for appropriate outreach is fundamental.
Knowing how to navigate the Family Office space is an increasingly valuable type of specialized knowledge. Family Office List is a must-have tool to access accurate data on a continuous basis & will continue to pay greater dividends over time. Schedule a live demo.