The strength of the will.
Author Bernardino Nilton Nascimento

The strength of the will. Author Bernardino Nilton Nascimento

The vital energy of the "will" is not harvested like a flower in the garden, but it is won with fights and is sometimes extracted like coal from the dark depths of our inner mines.

One of these internal sources is born in the elevated ideas of life. We all feel admiration for everything that relates to life, and the surprises that are born in our ways should no longer shake us. It is necessary to set aside what is apparently a failure, and to return to the reality of the will and the desire for achievement.

It is possible to discover something in what we thought we had known for some time. The secret is just to change the look, however, is not easy. We tend to look without seeing, yet we get rather easily annoyed at what we can not see. What surrounds them and touches them closely makes them cold. And this contempt for what is near, within our reach, is no more than the miserable idea we have of life itself. Sure, everyone has their pride, but it is a pride that clings to the mediocre in our inner self.

Although proud of our superficial personality, we lack the nobility, which is born of respect for our deepest being. And that feeling, however, is a source of ideas. The human being who sees beyond his vision, his perspective, seeing the whole and his neighbor, will have a moral attitude much higher than that which depreciates in the face of his own blindness.

The human being who receives the revelation of his dignity, passes something similar and plunges into its source, goes back to its origin, measures and experiences his holy efforts, pains, patience, hopes, humility. Incalculable works, gathered together in this life of which he became heir. The soul of the ages passed through his soul. The great hope which animates and sustains all this painful development of humanity is the hope of a brilliant time to be lived. On the way, we will find the will, which one day wanted to be in the world to materialize. We have to understand that we are the very essence of faith, the hope of humanity. From now on, we can no longer feel that we have our strength reduced, but we must increase it, giving it all the impetus of the centuries and all the help of Eternity.

There is no other key to the world than faith. That is the great truth!

The human being was made to become more and more human, to maintain his life, to help others to keep theirs, all in a constant growth. And this growth requires the continuous development of the whole being - physical, intellectual and moral - with its harmonious reciprocity. We were made to give truth to life, to righteous life. And we have to fight anything that is contrary to this. Ideas have to have as their main and culminating point, justice. Meditate, strengthen yourself, because life is a battle where we suffer when we need it, but never without losing hope and faith.

And then? The later, like the before, belongs to his "will". Only she knows the ancestral secret of the Universe. She wanted things close to us to seem more important to us than those that are far apart, so our responsibility is tied to the "will."

Do what needs to be done, what your best interests require you to do. Then calm down and trust the one who knows why the world is spinning. The fundamental dogma is to believe in life. Do not be foolish to lose your will and hope.


Makedah Boyce

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7 年

I've shared it. You know, you're really good at writing these articles Bernardino Nascimento. Keep it going.

Carla E.

Communicator | Strategist | Innovator | Motivator | Mentor | Relationship Builder | Time Management | Team Builder

7 年

Excellent share! Thank you!!

Dr. William E. Jarvis

Jarvis Holistic Center & Institute, Jerusalem Apostolate, Tiger Phoenix Martial Science, Knights of St. Nicholas II, the Passion-Bearer

7 年

Beautiful and profound!

W Raven


7 年

Very,very good post."extracted like coal from the dark depths of our inner mines"...beautiful.Key.


