-Strenght for Today-   In Jesus You Can Have Life to The Fullest! -Hebrews 1:3.

-Strenght for Today- In Jesus You Can Have Life to The Fullest! -Hebrews 1:3.

   Someone once said, “Your eyes are useless, if your mind is blind to truth.” Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with an “emotional conflict in your spirit.” When you're in denial, you, won't acknowledge difficult situations, and you’ll try not to face the facts of a problem. In the “flesh,” you’ll find yourself, downplaying reality by saying, “that’s the way things have always been.”  

   But, listen, once you know what the problem is, “stop playing with the truth,” and turn you will over to God’s will. Because by faith in Jesus Christ, the “strength of denial,” will change over time – Romans 8:1-3.   

    God tells us “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” (Isaiah 55:8), but how often do we let Him have His way in our lives? But once you surrender your human logic and start trusting Him, He can start working miracles in your life. 

  Let me explain what I mean by that. When you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you were untied form the “natural,” and by faith are now living in the relm of the “supernatural.” So, stop allowing:  

  • The closed doors of human objectives,  
  • Block the miracles God has for you,  

    Because once your faith is exercised in the “natural,” (Hebrews 11:6) you’re agreeing in your “spirit” with what has already taken place in the “supernatural.”  

    Truth is the absolute way by which a life that’s pleasing to God is measured. And only here does He operate. He sent His Son, allowing Him to intervene in our stead, so that our blind “spiritual eyes” might be opened to His Truth, (John 14:6), which by faith,   

  • Untied us from the yolk of bondage, 
  • To freedom, which only can dwell in us because of Jesus.     

   For that cause, Jesus came to earth to do the Father’s will, but He also came to represent God so that we would know what it’s like to have God with us.  

   In Colossians, we read, “He (Jesus) is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature” - Colossians 1:15.  

  • He could be thirsty, because He was fully human.  
  • He could also walk on water, because He was fully God.  

      And as Mrs. Maggie Middleton used to say, even after her sight was gone, “Do you know Jesus?”  

Living by Faith 

The Lord I know ruleth o'er everything, and all of my worry is vain. Living by faith in Jesus above, trusting, confiding in His great love; from all harm safe in His sheltering arm, I'm living by faith and feel no alarm. 

I know that He safely will carry me through, no matter what evils betide; why should I then care though the tempest may blow, If Jesus walks close to my side. 

Author: Plez Lovelady, Jr., PhD



