The Streets Are A Classroom...
28/04/20 Lock-down Week 6.
Education is an attitude: the streets are a classroom to the observant eye freed up from day to day busy-ness.
In the space created by stillness all manner of 'hidden' wonders have become obvious to the serene mind.
- What matters, what doesn't. Listening - Emailing
- Who matters, who doesn't. Those who listen - You Tube Bloggers
- Where beauty sits, where Coarseness lies. Back garden nature - Partisan Politics
- Who cares, who doesn't. True friends, the mercenary.
- What is worth it, what is futile. Squeezing the juice out of the Time we have. Trying to please everyone to feel good about ourselves.
- What will matter, what will be forgotten. Asking "Are you OK?" Today's worry that won't matter next week.
- Things to do more of, things to stop. Laugh at ourselves. Stop taking our-self too seriously.
Is this what we mean when we say "What changes can we make on the other side (of the catalyst)?"