Street selling in Developing Countries
Fernando Antezana-Suarez
This subject is known by many, it is for some a nuisance, since you cannot freely circulate in the sidewalks of street, some street are directly blocked by these sellers, blocking the flow of the traffic. Some foreigners visitors love to go into these places, because they know they can get something for a good price, you don't have to enter to a mall or shop, this is a more practical way to buy some petty things, as well as other more specialized items.
Why do they sell in the streets
Informal street selling is traditionally widespread in most Developing Countries.. This is due mainly because the people were not able to study, and have a profession, and their only way to make a living, is to sell on the streets, from candies to cell protectors, you can find and extended variety of items, fruits and vegetales, clothes, even due to the pandemic, masks, alcohool and alcohol deispenser, a new line of products, due to the need.
Gender Seller
Now it is not a surprise the mainly the street sellers are women, the reason why, its a cultural and rooted situation, the women normally are the one who administers de household income, the husband gives all the money generated, he mainly works either as construction asssitance, public market charger of purchases, etc. He gives her all and she gives him some pocket money. The story that the Strong Gender are Men its a myth, really the strong Gender are women. Who could resists giving birth with that pain, it has been proven that women have higher tolerance for pain, and are very good in bargaining, therefore they handle the economy better that a man. They are stronger and have more ability in selling. So even if you don't believe it, there is an inheritance of Matriarchy. In most countries you can find all sorts of things from vegetales, fruits, jewelry, clothing, etc.
Relationship with Clients
Normally they are located in strategic places, wether it will be candy and chocolate, they will be outside a school, many times they have already their daily customers. They are also located in some places like agencies of public administration, were they offer folders and other items, related with the occupation of that office or department. You can even find type writers that are in the street that fill different forms, like the list of invoices to present to the Tax Offices. It is really a world apart from any regular shopping center, or other business. You can find almost anything.
These small businesses have a low daily income, so in general it gives them just about to eat and essential needs.
Authorization and Regulation
They can be not legally placed on the street, in another cases, if they have their fixed placed for selling, like a small metallic booth, they have to paid a very small amount for the permission from the town authorities to sell. In general they don't pay taxes, because the amount receive its really very low.
Infraestructure for taking them of the street
Some town halls, built a very simple place, where they waat all these sellers to be, and have a permanent selling place, with a certain infraestructure build by the town hall. There are many times resistanceto this, because they don't want to leave their fixed location, losee their clients. After some incentives, or efforts they finally accept, but is not always the case.
How long will this be seeing
I believe these will always be seeing, unless there is some type of program to train them, for other type of occupation that will improve their income, and change of sector.