Streamlining Shipment Processes with Automatic re-allocation of non-allocated shipment lines.

Streamlining Shipment Processes with Automatic re-allocation of non-allocated shipment lines.


The Automatic Re-waving of Shipment Lines feature in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management automates the handling of failed shipment lines in the “Maintain Shipments” form.

This enhancement allows warehouse managers to schedule automatic checks for incomplete shipments, eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Previously, warehouse managers had to manually process incomplete shipment lines when exceptions occurred, such as insufficient inventory in a picking location. This was time-consuming and required active management.

With the Auto Add to Shipments feature, failed shipment lines are automatically re-added to a new wave, removing the need for manual handling.

Warehouse administrators can configure this as a batch job, ensuring smooth outbound processes even during unforeseen events. This automation reduces manual labor and enhances warehouse efficiency.

The Auto Add Shipments to Wave menu allows users to set up the recurrence for re-running failed shipments. This ensures efficient and timely handling of exceptions without manual intervention.

Left image: Auto add shipments to wave menu.

Right image: Define Auto add shipments to wave Recurrence menu.

In the Auto Add Shipments to Wave menu, the WHS rewave counter field has a default setting of 5, allowing shipments to be re-waved up to five times. If needed, users can manually add a shipment ID to re-wave it for another five attempts.

In the WHSWaveProcessingRemovedShipment form, a failed shipment line is shown with an error message explaining the issue. The Shipment status remains “open,” indicating it won’t be removed from the table. The WHS rewave counter shows 0, meaning the shipment hasn’t been re-run yet, and the Wave ID field displays the affected wave.

Image: Wave processing removed shipment line form in F&O.

In the image below, we see the setup for removing re-waved shipment lines. This screen allows users to configure the timing and frequency of the re-waving cleanup job, ensuring efficient management of shipment lines.

Cleanup Job Overview

The cleanup job prevents failed shipment lines from being stuck in the WHSWaveProcessingRemovedShipmentCleanup form if they can’t be re-waved. While setting up a cleanup job for the Auto Add to Shipments feature is optional, not doing so means the staging form will accumulate shipment lines that haven’t been successfully re-waved after the maximum attempts.

The cleanup job removes lines based on two criteria:

  1. Cleanup wave threshold: Users can set how many times shipment lines should be re-waved before removal. For example, setting this lower than the default of five attempts can remove lines earlier.
  2. Last update older than given number: Users can remove lines based on the age of the last update. For instance, setting this to 30 days will remove lines last updated over 30 days ago.

Areas of Use

This feature is versatile and beneficial across various industries, particularly for managing exceptions related to failed inventory allocations. It helps streamline outbound processes by reducing manual exception handling and ensuring all shipment lines are automatically re-waved.

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