Streamlining Salesforce Data Migration
Today, I presented Streamlining Data Migration to Salesforce using Snowflake & a Reverse ETL Data Stack. On this webinar hosted by Datameer, I was happy to share my recent success with Datameer and Snowflake . For the first, time I also shared a new project I have quietly been working on:
Data Migrations are Hard
I set the tone of the webinar when I compared running a #salesforce data migration project to installing hard wood floors in my condo. Both projects were grueling, time consuming, gratifying to complete, and something I never wanted to do again... My perspective for data migrations changed last year once I found the right tools and process for data migration. For the record... I will still never install hardwood floors myself ever again!
Tips for Success
I shared three of my top ten tips for a predictable and successful data migration:
1. Team and Timeline
Organizing a cross functional team with members who are not likely full time resources is a reality for which you should plan for. I recommend a standard 45 day plan working backwards from launch with key milestones. These guides are included in my Migration Blueprint.
2. Data Quality
No one loves the idea of moving dirty data into Salesforce but this is a reality for many data migrations. Acknowledging and documenting data issues discovered is an important part of the project and data governance. Dirty or missing data that breaks validation rules or impacts normal operation of Salesforce should be corrected. That is where I recommend drawing the line. Otherwise, you increase the complexity, scope, and risk missing your deadline.
Having the Right Tools for the Job
This webinar highlighted my success with Datameer, which sits runs natively on top of Snowflake. Additionally, the biproduct of using Datameer and Snowflake for data migration is an operational data lake and foundation for your data warehouse.
When I jumped into a real data migration project, I cut my overall delivery time in half. The biggest time savings were data wrangling, validation, and sign off in one place.
Where to Learn More
Click here to view the webinar recording to see firsthand how Datameer, Snowflake, and Data Tools Pro helped streamline data migration. Feel free to schedule a meeting to discuss how to apply the same Migration Blueprint to your Salesforce implementation.