Streamlining Board Decisions: Ensuring Focus on What Matters

Streamlining Board Decisions: Ensuring Focus on What Matters

In the dynamic landscape of corporate governance, the efficiency and effectiveness of board meetings hinge on the judicious selection of matters brought to the board’s attention. Not every issue warrants board-level deliberation; hence, establishing criteria for board consideration is essential to maintain focus on strategic priorities.

The majority of matters relate to management or the implementation of past decisions and should be resolved at the management level instead. Delegating decisions to the appropriate level within the organisation ensures efficiency, empowers management and enables the board to focus on strategy and compliance.

However some decisions should be reserved for the board.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on evaluating whether a matter should be escalated to the board, or referred back to management.

Criteria for Board Consideration

Policy Decisions: Is the matter related to the creation, modification, or elimination of policies? Policy decisions are foundational and typically fall within the board's remit due to their long-term implications on governance and operations.

Long-Term Strategy: Does the issue influence the company's long-term strategy? Strategic decisions that shape the future direction of the organisation should be scrutinised at the board level.

ESG and Other Criteria: Does the matter have implications for reporting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, and similar external standards?

Impact on Other Decisions: Could this decision have a significant impact on other ongoing or future decisions?

Setting Precedents: Would this decision establish a precedent for future actions? Would it be consistent and aligned with the company's values and long-term goals.

Alternative Means: Can the objective be achieved through alternative methods? Exploring other avenues to reach the same goal can sometimes obviate the need for board-level intervention.

Potential Effects: What are the possible repercussions of making this decision? Assessing the broader impact helps in understanding the stakes involved and preparing for potential outcomes.

Further considerations

When a paper legitimately reaches the board it might still not be appropriate to make an immediate decision.

Timing and Consultation: Does the decision need to be made immediately, or could further thought or consultation add value? Sometimes, delaying a decision to gather more insights or feedback can lead to better outcomes.

Sufficient Information: Is there adequate information available to support a well-informed decision? Ensuring that all necessary data is at hand is fundamental to sound decision-making.


As a general principle, there should be a presumption in favour of decisions being made by management. However, that should not inhibit the board from reviewing previous decisions, whether made by the board or management, in order to learn lessons and provide guidance. Further, the board retains responsibility for monitoring the implementation of decisions at any level.

Boards must remain vigilant against information and decision creep, where a gradual increase of information supplied or an expansion of decision-making beyond strategic matters dilutes focus. Ensuring that board time is reserved for issues deserving their attention safeguards the board's capacity to steer the company effectively. By adhering to these criteria and requiring an annual review of the quantity and quality of information submitted to the board and the level of decisions expected, boards can streamline their decision-making processes, enhance their strategic focus, and reinforce their role as stewards of the organisation’s future.

Richard Winfield is the author of The New Directors Handbook, creator of The Essential Directorship and Strategic Company Secretary masterclasses and curator of the CPD 2.0 Professional programme, which provides a stream of governance alerts and management insights.

With a successful career as a consultant, coach, facilitator, and trainer, he works internationally with individuals and teams at board level. He assists clients in bringing structure and clarity to their thinking.

Richard help directors and boards become more effective by clarifying goals, improving communication and applying sound corporate governance.

For individuals, he facilitates their career advancement by helping them clarify their life goals, discover forgotten or ignored talents and by developing a comprehensive package to raise their profile and break through barriers. He then provide editorial support for job applications and prepare them for interviews.

Clients approach Richard to help bring structure and clarity to their lives.

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