Streamline your Business with Managed WiFi Solutions
Do you wish your business had better internet? Do end users usually complain of Wi-Fi problems? Is managing your Wi-Fi getting too much for your IT team? Is your business software too slow to efficiently get your work done? Is your home or event Wi-Fi unreliable?
If any of these situations resonate with you, then your business is well suited for managed Wi-Fi.
Managed Wi-Fi is a cloud-based network controlled by a third-party, accessible via multiple access points, and able to handle many devices at the same time. The third party is responsible for maintenance, troubleshooting, security, and general upkeep of the Wi-Fi service, taking that burden off the shoulders of the on-site IT team.
SASA IT Limited is a managed Wi-Fi provider that offers attractive solutions as below.
We save your IT team time spent maintaining your Wi-Fi connection. Plus managing and troubleshooting your Wi-Fi connection might not be your expertise so it could take you longer time and more money to resolve the issues.?
Nothing annoys like an unstable internet connection. With managed Wi-Fi, we are responsible for keeping your service up and running. In case anything goes wrong, we have support representatives available 24/7 who help troubleshoot the network.
We invest in the latest technology to keep connections secure. Without managed Wi-Fi, the burden would be on you to continually upgrade your service whenever a more secure option is available.
Want to upgrade your connection? Managed Wi-Fi can grow with your business.
With managed Wi-Fi, we are able to collect your network’s usage and performance data, so you can see how your Wi-Fi is being used and how often outages occur.
In Summary;
Our managed Wi-Fi network services offer a reliable, secure and future-proof solution for your business. Providing the freedom and flexibility to focus on what you do best - growing your business.
Get Better Wi-Fi Today!