Streaming marathon AGDQ 2019 raised a record amount for charity

Streaming marathon AGDQ 2019 raised a record amount for charity

Remember how I told you about the people at Games Done Quick? They hold charity marathons for speedrun gaming. The weekend just gone witnessed Awesome Games Done Quick’s latest event, with a record $2,394,668 raised!

Streamers smashed last year’s total by over $100,000. By the way, this year’s marathon became the fourth one in a row that Games Done Quick have been able to raise over 2 million dollars. The money will go to the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

Streams were watched by 219,240 views simultaneously. Over 46,000 donations were made by 31,883 generous individuals. Polygon reports that three of these donors gave 10,000 dollars, whilst over 180 people donated $1,000.

Impressive numbers indeed! The facts speak for themselves: more and more gamers are getting involved in charity. GNation will help to bring the gaming community together and get it more involved in charitable deeds!

#unitedforsustainability #gnation #sustainability #sustainabledevelopmemt#dogood #GamesDoneQuick #AGDQ2019


