Streaming Faster To the Finish Line
Thomas Cross
CEO ChannelAI.TV - ChannelPartner.TV - ChannelMarket.TV - -
by Frank Reap Cycle-Ology
Social Streaming TV is a powerful curation and content posting app without the distractions, hidden agendas and Freudian algorithms polluting Facebook, Twitter.
Social Streaming TV is powerful, independent social messaging with democratic, open-source karma. Your work won’t be served-up at the buffet of personal information on Madison Avenue. It’s the Swiss Army Knife of social messaging apps. Just the useful, functional tools you need without the surveillance capitalism.
Social Streaming TV incorporates its dynamic front-back camera switcher tool running seamlessly on the robust Vonage API all in the palm of your hand. I’ve worked in film and broadcasting since the 16-millimeter days when the idea of having two cameras and a switcher in my hand was unimaginable.
This Camera-Switcher Tool adds a stylistic professional edge to all your live-video projects empowering your efforts in addressing a problem or solving a problem as your audience sees the issue live, not just the host talking about it.
Social Streaming TV can push 1- 3,000 and more viewers to your hand-picked live audience archiving 120 minutes with all essential messaging, functionality and connectivity tools embedded.
The cyclists in me envisions an indoor training archive of your favorite rides for rain and snow days. Your own private network of cycling favorites share rides with friends anywhere.
In these uncertain times take direct control over your business messaging with Social Streaming TV’s virtual live video network in your hand. Privacy, control, two-hour live-streaming, just three core elements. Let Social Streaming TV open new doors on live streaming innovation. Be the visionary at your company and harness Social Streaming SSTV’s production power free of silicon valley digital shackles.
The applications are countless. Business, family, sports, entertainment, education with Social Streaming TV at your fingertips take direct and control your social messaging.
Check its power now.