Streaming concerts: plus or minus ?
Photo by Tyler Callahan on Unsplash

Streaming concerts: plus or minus ?

The empty concert hall before the upcoming performance is the place where the musician does the general rehearsal: alone or with colleagues this moment is full of spirituality, concentration with the goal to understand how the audience will appreciate the final performance. A question mark in the mind of the performers always comes after the general rehearsal - especially with very good acoustics: will the sound change with full audience when it will hit clothes and bodies of the listeners? How dryer will it become? will I need to change the speed and type of sound to maintain the proportions that we have created in the general rehearsal? 

Since one year we are almost doing live performances in empty concert halls (-1). This has a different meaning to musicians, but nevertheless there are interesting aspects: no change of acoustic (+1) and opportunity to broaden the audience with the help of efficient and quality streaming (+1). The audience on the other side loses the 'social' aspect of the performance - as being with other people, discuss, have a drink, etc. (-1). The balance between '+' and '-' is = '0'. 

Now the question to everyone is: will you be willing to come back to concert halls, or will you prefer to stay at home on your sofa? 


