Stream Thinking: Bending...
Arroe Collins
Influencer. Movies, books, television and Podcasting. 1.6 million strong. Mobile DJ LA
July 6, 2021
I’m amazed at how plants redesign their shapes in the way of gaining access to light.?A plant is constantly reaching.?I have trees in my forest that have grown around other trees just for a sip of that universal energy.?Vines that climb.?A palm that is brought indoors during the winter months because of the cold.?I find great enjoyment in watching how it will always lean to locate more sunlight.?How does that human play into this??How much bending are we doing during this digital generation??Is it for the better??Not if we’re talking about spelling, math and locating a business on a map.?Technology has made us lazy.?I remember when we couldn’t use a calculator in school.?The teacher wanted us to exercise our minds so that we truly understood how we came up with the answer.?I’d love to be a fly on the wall inside a decision maker’s office.?To watch them handwrite a thought without the aid of spell check or some grammar app.?I’m a daily writer.?I have a dictionary with me every morning.?I don’t want a future reader to look at this mess of thoughts and think, “The freak couldn’t spell!”?How are we bending post Covid 19 versus facing the new variants??One look at how we came together on July 4th says it’s all or nothing straight ahead!?Our current jobs and or careers.?Multiple businesses are calling their employees back to the office.?I know what it’s like working with people who never left.?The new age attitude of, “When this doesn’t work out I’ll go get another.”?See!?That’s bending.?Bending without thinking about how other employees are infected by a decision to not come to work.?Gonna stay home and play.?Cuz that’s what we did in 2020!?Did a little bit of work then off we’d go!?Not everybody.?Let me make that clear.?I know this because working from home turned me into even a bigger work-a-holic.?I’d stay in the studio until 9 at night.?Because it was so readily available.?How are we bending??Are you taking notes??Should you be??How lazy are you when it comes to spelling??Challenge yourself off the computer to be a greater you all the way around.?Bend with it.??