Stream ... the O365 killer app that you've never heard of.
Office 365 is an absolute home run for Microsoft. Office 365 not only prints money, helping Microsoft shares to triple in recent years, it's an extremely helpful platform for companies that don't want to be in the email server business, or deal with constantly buying and managing different versions of Word and Excel ... Office 365 does a great job of simply removing those headaches, giving customers a simple, straightforward place to run their Microsoft stuff.
Among the Office 365 offerings are several hero products which no one knows about ... Stream is first on the list, and is an absolute winner. Stream is an elegant, thoughtful platform, full of customer value. And yet where are the users? In both my consulting circles, and in the broader IT industry, Stream lacks the users and attention it most certainly deserves. There are a lot of reasons for this, but let me make a couple of basic suggestions to Microsoft about how to resolve this situation ... . First, be better at explaining to customers the advantages of running their own video platforms ... in particular, focus on the knowledge management potential, where customers can quickly build compelling content into channels around QA, training, HR, sales, IT, and many more important areas. These are challenging domains for almost all companies, and Microsoft needs to explain the value Stream offers in these areas. Second, find a way to get this product into the hands of more users ... the pricing for Stream is really reasonable, and a lot of orgs have entitlement and don't even realize it ... Microsoft needs to do a better job of reaching users with its Stream message.
Stream. The killer app for Office 365 that no one, errr, NOT ENOUGH, users know about.