Stray menace
Jacob Ephraim
Principal,, English n IELTS Trainer, Personality Dev, Sign Language , Content Writer, Poet written over 800 poems and 3books.Foreword written by Mr Ruskin Bond
The menace of stray animals is growing day by day. Jabalput city itself reports of a hundred people being bitten by dogs. In fact, Victoria Hospital itself about fifty patients on a daily basis for dog bites. Most vulnerable are children.. Each colony has about a hundred dogs barking their heads off at night. It looks each lane they are having a canine conference. The other problem is the number of stray cows roaming the streets. Its really annoying when one has to drive the vehicle around the resting animal especially when the roads are so crowed. The solution is to castrate the dogs and to arrange for shelters for the cows in the outskirts.I hope my advice does not fall on deaf ears.