Stray Cats on BGC Park, a conflict between human society and nature when they interact!
PhD-Summa Cum Laude, MSME-Magna Cum Laude, CEnv CEng PE PEng ME/PME IntPE MPM CIPM CPMgr CEMgr CHMgr MEPF Engr Utilities/Environmental Engr 99.60% UP GWA "HIGH DISTINCTION/DISTINCTION AWARDS" UP Alumnus, Author/Writer
This article paper has provided through, as a reaction to the scenario at BGC Park concerning with the stray cats in the BGC businesses and commercial areas. The news and the interference of the legality against of the people concerned in complying Republic Act 10631 Animal Welfare Act is a good example and arguments of a conflict between the human society and nature when they interact with each other. A learning process relevance to the subject course SF263 Culture and Societies in Tropical Ecosystem with the human community and the life to conceptualize a sustainable environment for the good of the country.
Viewport on the Matter
The stray cats can be found everywhere similar to the issue of stray cats along the BGC (Bonifacio Global City) Park within the residential areas of Ilaya Street and Anastacio Street, Taguig City. I may say that with those cats spread in the street even has no difference when you visited the zoo area where they are free to move around every corner whenever you pass by on the roads and to be honest, they are harmless too. I love cats since my youngster and taking care of them in all aspects. However, I can’t blame others who do not like the cat because of their will in democratic principles. I can categorize and describe them the same as the people left their province to Manila and become squatters or living in the street ally or sometimes at the end they become prostitutes. Life is not comfortable, but you need to pay in every step you take as becoming the paradigm of individual success in their career relevance to the stray cat's issues.
Factors and Arguments
The factors and arguments have raised by the people concerned alongside the skyscrapers buildings vicinity where they were surprised and wondered as they haven’t seen anyone of those stray cats in their premises. The people concerned have always been there for entirely somehow as they noticed, which sparked, and outraged in the social media through by the cat lovers and the CARA (Compassion and Responsibility for Animals Welfare Philippines). I appreciate CARA of their initiatives in taking care of the stray cats under the provision of the Republic Act 10631 Animal Welfare Act, where they applied against the Pestbusters in violating the prescribed law. However, for everyone concerned, the park landscape was not designed as a place for taking care of stray cats, but these are the responsibilities of the cat owners in reality. And though, the Bonifacio Global City was designed for businesses and commercial applications.
I remember one of my neighboring household families, where they have cats in their houses where they are already exhausted with the number of cats, and they are stresses of the foods they have to eat, and their budget got increased, and the cats spoiled their shit inside the house area, and that’s true. Thereby, they throw the cats away from their house so that it won’t multiply more. Considering the scenario, therefore, the stray cats in the BGC Park were being thrown by their Masters, and now, the stray cats are living there and multiply which is now becoming one of the pests in the areas. However, the said stray cats in my perception are harmless, but the question behind there is that, why these Pestbusters have relocated the stray cats away from the hotel premises where these won’t affect their business at all, and even to the landscape. Hence, let us clarify that the Pestbusters is a pest management services company to the Shangri-La Fort regularly where the management itself has asked them to relocate the cats spotted in the hotel's basement and premises.
The reason why CARA raised the issue. However, there’s something wrong there if CARA was bothered about the situation, I think that much be better if they collate all stray cats found as shown in the figure from anywhere in the streets in providing shelter for them, so that Republic Act 10631 Animal Welfare Act won't be annoying. At least they prevent such incidents in securing stray cats to a guaranteed shelter under their management.
So what do you think? Are you in favor? If so, then be it with enough budget in complying RA 10631.
Similarly, we know that in the Philippines, the dogs can be found everywhere and roam throughout the streets and they can move around freely. On the other hand, when I came here in Doha in 2004, stray cats are populated everywhere where the government ignoring them scattered around the places, however, any residence owner can’t be able to touch or even bring any stray cats in their house as they will be fined and prisoned according to the Qatar Law. These are good to look at, as well as interacting with the friendly stray cats and surely will relieve your stresses at all, but when 2006 where the construction in full blast because of ASIAN GAMES, many workers were coming-in including the Vietnamese in the country. Why am I saying these? Because that was tragic and made me surprised and wondered with the populous stray cats in the streets, have gone little by little and day by day. Until one day as I walked-out early in the morning for jogging, I saw many of the Vietnamese walkings around with their stick trap catching all stray cats and kept them inside their bag. Accidentally, I learned from our construction workers living in the industrial construction quarter house that those Vietnamese killing stray cats for their foods. Those acts are too brutal and violently killed the stray cats without knowing by the government on what they are doing where those stray cats are harmless in the first place. So, what can you say? More than worse than what happened to the stray cats at the BGC Park in the Philippines that have been relocated only, whereas Shangrila Fort concerned was to prevent cleanliness in their landscape, right?
With the entire case scenario happening in the stray cats at BGC had been settled in complying RA 10631. They were both compromised and will never do the same soon, and hence, the confrontation will serve as a lesson learned by the Pestbusters. Overall, I don’t have any objection to cursing both parties as they have their ways to be followed. Even though they are only stray cats living alongside in the landscape areas of the BGC, we need to share our love with the stray cats as they are lost already and homeless. Nevertheless, if they only have their own master and they are taking care of, and therefore, we can’t be able to find any stray cats in the streets. But reflecting those scenarios, those stray cats, to be honest, are seeking for love from someone, similar to the situation with the broken family home where they have been lost away from their loved ones too.
But somehow, I am still hoping for a sustainable environment with principles and dignity for the good of the country.
Gomeseria, R. V. (2019, May 17). Stray Cats on BGC Park, a Broken Home Looking for Love.
Ronald Valledor Gomeseria; (2017) "Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management", University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), Faculty of Management and Development Studies, Philippines
Ronald Valledor Gomeseria; (2014) "Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering", Atlantic International University, School of Science and Engineering, USA
Article Write-up References
Of all the above discussions and tips, it is the AUTHOR intent to share for educational purposes, guidelines and awareness. Any comments, please share and let us discuss, Thank you all.