Stratia's Advertising Acronyms Guide!

Stratia's Advertising Acronyms Guide!

Marketing is all about keeping things short, really short. But sometimes we keep things too short and speak in acronyms no-one understands. Here at Stratia we’re about making your life easier. So here’s our cheatsheet for all the acronyms you’ll ever come across:

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) - Brass balls...

AI (Artificial Intelligence) - Doubles up in catching your client’s Attention and Interest.

ASAP (As Soon As Possible) - We’re not sure what the deadline is.

ASAFP (As Soon As F***ing Possible) - We know what the deadline is.

ATL (Above The Line) - What your parents think you do.

BTL (Below The Line) - What you actually do.

CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) - Your ‘promote me’ number.

CPC (Cost Per Click) - When someone missed the little ‘x’ at the top of the pop-up.

CPL (Cost Per Lead) - What you paid for the name and email you forgot to put into HubSpot.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - The Gen-Z Rolodex.

CTR (Click Through Rate) - Your swipe right success rate.

FMOT (First Moment of Truth) - When your child sees a box of Fruit Loops.

GA (Google Analytics) - When you need the facts.

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) - What you use those facts for.

MQL (Marketing Qualified Lead) - “A guy don’t walk on the lot lest he wants to buy!”

OOH (Out-of-Home) - What you show your parents when they ask what you do.

OOO (Out-of-Office) - …

POP (Point of Purchase) - What you try to pull your child away from.

ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) - Your boss’ favourite number.

ROI (Return on Investment) - Your boss’ second favorite number.

RTB (Real Time Bidding) - Calling ‘shotgun.’

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) - The Gen-Z neon sign.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - The Gen-Z getting a bigger neon sign.

SFX (Sound Effects) - The secret sauce behind anything good you’ve ever watched.

SMM (Social Media Marketing) - “Yes Mom, it’s a job!”

ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) - When your child sees there are no Fruit Loops in the cupboard.

Now you’re ready to take on the world of marketing! And when things get complicated and you need a partner to keep things simple - you know where to go. Stratia !



