The strategy you need!
I don’t like strategies, they have never worked for me. So why do I title my blogpost this then? Well, there is a strategy that you can trust, that will take you to where you want to go. Let’s be honest, you just want to have it now and do it on your terms.
You can do that. It is the way it actually works. Yes, of course if you are really strategically you can make it by following a blueprint that helped for others you look up to, but what I want you to do is this…
The only strategy you need is to listen to yourself. Do things because it feels natural for you and aligned. The blueprint that you have inside you is what will work for you.
How many online courses have you bought that you did not finish? I have done that many many times. I still think it’s worth it. I go back to them when I feel ready. So can you. Don’t beat yourself up.
But the truth is that only you know what is best for you, only you know what you want to achieve. You need to take action from a place of alignment and that must be your blueprint. Do things because you feel like doing them. Act when you feel inspired. Sit your ass done and do the work because you know that you will feel fantastic after.
The strategy you need is to listen to yourself. Let all of you be seen. Just write what is on your mind. The money is in the message.
You can make money just by being you. You are so powerful. You have so many gifts. When will you let it be easy to be you? When will you trust that you are put here on earth for a reason?
I think it’s time to go all in with this life. The strategy is you. If you are looking to be someone else, then follow someone else and BE that version. I highly recommend that you be more of YOU.
Different ways you can you do that:
- Trust that what you have to say is enough. Then you say it with a blogpost, video, Instagram post etc. Share your message.
- Follow your dreams and make them happen by taking aligned daily action. If it’s to write a chapter of a book or start you biz, hire a mentor/coach etc. whatever to move toward your dreams.
- Think different. You have to change the way you think if you want to change. You must think that you are already where you want to go. Be that higher version of yourself now. The only moment that count is this.
The strategy is you, it has always been you and it will always be you. Go out there now and trust that you have what it takes, because you do.
I believe in you.
PS: Need help to kick off your laptop biz? I’m here to help you as your mentor. Soon I will celebrate 4 years full-time in my biz. I wish the same for you.Message me now on how we can work together.