Strategy: Are You Asking the Right Questions?
Volkmar V?lzke
Unternehmer | Leadership-Experte | Autor beim Springer-Verlag – Ich mache Leader, Teams und Unternehmen fit für die Zukunft
For many companies, things have changed with COVID-19 and the lockdown. It is only logical to look at whether the strategy still fits and where adjustments are needed, right? Wrong!
If you had a robust strategy, then very little will need to change. But if your strategy was on thin ice, then it is more than appropriate to rework the strategy anyway. The past few weeks have been just the stumbling block that provided the necessary impetus.
Even if you think that you have a strong and robust strategy, I still see three issues that receive far too little attention when it comes to successfully shaping the future. It would be best for your company or your division to look at them immediately. Time is pressing!
Here are the three decisive and mostly underexposed questions for strong strategies:
- Who do we want to become? This question is hardly ever asked seriously, but it is at the beginning of everything. How can we combine our strengths and strive together to reach outstanding goals if we do not have a common understanding of who we want to become? Without the answer to this question, you will remain mediocre.
- What business models do we want to have for this? Most of the strategy discussions I experience revolve largely around expanding the existing ones. Only a few people think radically enough about new business models, and most of them don’t even know how to approach this issue systematically.
- What standards did we set ourselves for this? Aspirations or standards are the ways of thinking and behaving that we demand of every member of the organization at all times. Strong strategies define very clearly how we must behave every day to achieve strong goals.
How vital is it to you to have a strong strategy for your company or division that answers these and other crucial questions and gives you a clear competitive advantage? We can take a look at it together. Just get in touch! Click here.
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