The Strategy for Korea's Economic Success - Hwy-Chang Moon

The Strategy of Korean Economic Success

韩国经济成功范式 – 文辉昌

第一部分: 韩国奇迹

  1. 韩国经济发展的基础

1882到1910年年间,美国洛杉矶地区跟韩国一样遭受了一场重大旱灾,与韩国皇帝高宗(其妻-明成皇后于1895年10月8日被日本公使三浦梧楼带领浪人及多位军人在皇宫奸杀及裸体焚烧,史称“乙未事变”)举办隆重的向上苍祈雨仪式不同的是,洛杉矶当局用了相对科学和经济的方式解决了干旱的问题。 威廉姆·姆哈兰德,洛杉矶水务部门的工程师兼主管,带领实施了包括著名的长达233英里从东希雅拉到首府的“洛杉矶引水渠”在内的多项水利工程。

During this same period(1882~1910), Los Angeles was also experiencing a serious dry spell. However, contrary to King Gojong's rain-calling ceremony, decision-makers in Los Angesles responded with a more scientific and economic approach. William Mulholland, the engineer and superintendent of the Los Angeles Water Department, carried out several massive water projects including Los Angeles Aqueduct, a 233-mile-long aqueduct to deliver water from the Eastern Sierra to the metropolis. 

之后的50年,韩国和美国就经历完全不同的发展道路。 依靠迷信的仪式来解决例如干旱这样的自然灾害的韩国最终成为日本的殖民地,并经历了朝鲜半岛战争,从而成为最贫穷的国家之一,这种局面直到二十世纪六十年代才开始有所改变。 而美国,依靠科学的方法,成为了世界上最强的经济和军事国家。不同的适用程序反映了两国在国家紧急状态时所采用的方法,而不同的方法对国家的发展产生了不同的影响。 很明显的是靠迷信来解决问题的国家无法脱离贫困,而靠结构化思维解决问题的国家必将遥遥领先。

Over the next 50 years, Korea and the United States headed down different paths. Korea, which depended on superstitious rituals to combat natural hazards such as draughts, became a colony of Japan and suffered from the Korean War, making it one of the poorest countries until the 1960s. The United States, on the other hand, which approached issues scientifically, became the world's strongest economic and military power. The varying approaches of these two nations reveal important implications for national emergency programs against natural hazards. The juxtaposition of the two varying responses shows how government goals and policies can affect national development. It is clear that the country that depended on superstition was not able to escape poverty, whereas the country that employed constructive solutions to combat its issues showed advancement.

  1. 新经济框架需求


B. The need for a new framework

for centuries, Scholars and economists have dedicated their efforts to explaining the sources of national growth and competitiveness. Early economic theories began with merchantilism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, followed by Adam Smith's theory of absolute advantage in the eighteenth century, which was further developed into David Ricardo's Theory of comparative advantage. Most of these earlier theories attempted to analyze the dynamics of trade by attributing economic strengths to the abundance of inherited resources. During the 1930s, however, the Heckscher-Oblin model received much recognition for effectively explaining the modern economy with the emergence of technology and the manufacturing sector.


Toward the 1980s, one of the hottest fields of research in economics and industry growth was corporate strategy. Along with these academic efforts, Michael Porter(1990) introduced a systemic framework for national competitiveness - the diamond model - in his book titled, The Competitive Advantage of Nations. 

  1. 韩国经济发展的基础


Chapter 1 Foundations of Korea's Economic development

The efficient mobility of human and capital resources then leads to third fundamental factor, total factor productivity (TFP). 

  1. 人力资源
  • 儒家思想对于教育上的投入和成果效果显著。
  • 书本学习和死记硬背也不可或缺。
  • 向西方学习先进的东西并保持亚洲价值观。
  • 知识学习、问题解决、职业教育三教合一。

1.1 Human Resources

  • Confucianism is related to the dedication and achievements in education.
  • Lecture-based learning and Rote Memorization
  • Learning from the West, while maintaining Asian Values.
  • Knowledge Learning, Problem Solving, Vocational Training
  1. 资本资源

在发展阶段,韩国财阀功不可没。资本严重匮乏的韩国在经济起步阶段通过国民储蓄和外国借贷短时间内快速积累了一定规模的资本资源。 韩国大部分投资被聚焦在大型私营经济以有效地发挥资本优势。

1.2 Capital Resources

1.2.1 Korean Chaebol in the developing stage

Capital-scarce Korea was able to accumulate a sizeable amount of capital in a short span of time through domestic savings and foreign borrowings in the early stage of economic development. Most investment in Korea was concentrated in the private sector to support large firms that could make better use of financial resources. 

1.2.2 Distinctive features of Korean Chaebol for Accumulating Capital Resources

(1) Government to Target and Reward the Winners

Overall, the government policies were based on the assumption that the private sphere should play a major role in expanding the industrial sector. However, the government also believed that effective capital accumulation could not be reaped from the private sector alone and that firms needed to be nurtured by means beyond free market incentives. The government policy was thus a selective intervention that fostered the growth of private enterprises and supported the industries deemed to be beneficial to the national economy. 


政府选择目标企业并赋予优胜者。总的来说,政府政策的基础是私营经济在产业发展中发挥了极为重要的作用。但是,政府坚信资本资源不会自发地在私营经济中得到有效配置,而且企业不能单独靠自由市场补贴来培育。 因而政府政策实际上是一种选择性干预手段以支持那些对国民经济有重大利好的产业并培育该产业私营企业的发展。

Under conditions favorable to the best performers in the industry, firms that properly understood government targets grew faster and emerged as conglomerates. This is an entirely different scenario from many other cases of developing countries, where governments support uncompetitive firms to which they have personal ties. Chaebol were successful not only because they received special privileges and benefits from the government, but because they knew they would not be able to maintain cooperative relationships with the government if they were not competitive. For firms, demonstrating their ability to perform well under this relationship was critical as the government was the best or often the sole source of capital, with private banks tightly managed by the government that had high targets for national growth. In essence, both the government and large conglomerates fulfilled their unique roles in the nation's economy and satisfied each other's needs. 

在产业中表现越好收益越大的前提下,企业正确的理解了政府的目标后快速增长并逐步聚变成为巨无霸。 这种发展模式在众多传统发展中国家完全不同,因为传统发展中国家都是支持那些与政府保持私密关系的缺乏效率的企业。杭锅财阀的成功并不完全是他们从政府部门获得了特权,而是他们深知如果没有竞争优势的话也将失去政府的支持。对于企业而言,很好地展示自己良好运营能力非常重要,因为政府往往是最好的、甚至是唯一的资本来源,政府通过严密的金融政策以保证国家经济发展的高目标。因为政府和大财阀在国家经济发展中发挥了无与伦比的作用并相得益彰。

(2) Selective Assimilation of Japanese Conglomerates

The Korea Chaebol most closely resembles the original form of Zaibatsu in Japan(or the current Keiretsu). With the turn of events following World War II, Zaibatsu were broken down and reorganized, losing some of their unique characteristics such as family ownership and strong central autocracy. However, their structure and internal bank-centered financing remained much the same, and these are the biggest differences between Japanese and Korean conglomerates. The successors to the Zaibatsu - the Keiretsu - continued to work closely with the banks and government while establishing their own strong distribution channels with smaller loyal retailers. The Korean government and businessmen closely examined these large Japanese cliques and tried to imitate their success, particularly as general trading companies. These enterprises specialized in importing raw materials for domestic industries and exporting manufactured goods. They were efficient in facilitating trade and capital flow because they maximized price margins through available global intelligence network. Furthermore, they performed important functions in the short-term financing of foreign trading(Johnson 1987). 



(3) Efficient capital approbation and the role of Chaebol



Unlike Japanese conglomerates that controlled their own financial institutions, the Korean government officially made firm ownership of corporate banks illegal, and strictly controlled all other types of debt-based internal financing sources. Instead, the government introduced debt-based industrial financing, creating incentives for households to save through the banking system. The government-controlled banks redistributed these savings as loans to the conglomerates.


In this manner, the Korean government's control of bank credit and access to foreign borrowing served as the most potent instrument for implementing economic policies. The government unilaterally source capital through this banking channel for corporate financing. Therefore, the Chaebol's interests were heavily controlled and managed by the government's economic goals. It is this government-controlled credit institution that encouraged efficient competition and determined which industry leaders to support. The government even ordered firms to merge or be acquired based on the performance of large groups throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The present-day Chaebol consist of independent groups of vertically and horizontally integrated firms. 

(4) Cohesive Organizational Culture toward a Single Goal

One final important feature of Korean Chaebol is the vigorous and hardworking culture that helps increase the engagement and productivity of employees.  



  1. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) - Distinctive features of Korean Government policies for enhancing efficiency
  • Economic development plans for accelerated growth
  • Learning through trade-oriented policies
  • Structural transformation and spillover effects
  • Enhancing national goals through modernizing rural areas

全要素生产率(TFP) -韩国政府提高效率的政策特点

  • 快速增长的国家经济发展规划
  • 通过贸易导向的政策学习
  • 结构转型和溢出效应
  • 通过农村地区现代化加强国家目标

Chapter 2 Korean government leadership for national growth

       <Table 2.1 Korea's economic policies by presidents>

  1. 为了国家增长的韩国政府领导力

表2.1 历史上各位总统领导下的韩国经济政策

Chapter 3 Korean Business Leadership for Corporate growth

第三章 为了企业增长的韩国商业领导力

The founder of POSCO: Park Tae-Jun

        Samsung: Lee Byung-Chul

        Hyundai: Chung Ju-Yung

Common Traits: 

  • quick and accurate in their business decisions on how they ran their companies;
  • commitment to learning for continuous improvement and upgrading of the firm's advantages
  • successful handling of diverse business activities
  • dedication - leadership quality - a clear vision with ambitious goals



  • 快速准确地决定如何管理公司;
  • 致力于不断学习,从而持续改进并提升公司的优势,
  • 成功地面对多样化的商业活动
  • 献身精神-领导特质-富有野心的、清晰的愿景规划

Part II The ABCD model - A new frame for explaining Korea's economic success

第二部分 ABCD模型- 韩国成功的经济新范式

Chapter 4 The ABCD model

Korean ABCD success strategy model: 

Agility must be based on speed and precision;

Benchmarking must be pursued through learning the best practice.

Convergence is created from mixing the right resources to maximize synergies.

Dedication requires diligence with a clear goal-oriented mindset. 

<Execution means teamworking with Problem Solving skills. >

第四章 ABCD模型 -韩国ABCD成功战略模式:

  • 敏捷效应: 必须建立在速度和精准的基础上;
  • 标杆效应:必须通过学习最佳实践来实现。
  • 聚合效应:整合恰当的资源实现协同作用最大化。
  • 献身效应:奉献需要勤奋和明确的目标导向的心态。
  • 执行效应:提高团队解决问题的能力以实现有效合作。

4.1 Agility: Speed combined with Precision for increasing productivity

敏捷效应: 综合速度和精准以提升劳动生产率

4.1.1 Speed 速度

Korea's economic development was fueled by created assets - resources that not innate to its land. Korea created its own competitive sources and the first of these was speed. With imported resources and acquired technologies, Korean people worked harder and faster to make up for its lack of natural resources. 

The true essence of business does not lie in defeating competitors but rather in creating value for consumers. Korea's speed is not unique to a single firm - it can also be seen at the industry and national level.(Internet speed)


4.1.2 Precision 精确

Despite speed's many obvious benefits, speed without precision poses risk. Prime examples are the collapse of Sungsoo Bridge and Sampoong Department Store during 1990s due to shoddy construction. Many accidents that occur in the business field are due to imprecision, and defective products are largely the result of imperfections in the manufacturing process. If precision is sacrificed for speed in the manufacturing process, companies will ultimately incur great losses due to product recalls, realignment of value chain activities, and dissatisfied customers. < 19 million vehicles recalled globally between late 2009 and 2011 by TOYOTA>


In truly advanced country, fraudulent construction projects are unimaginable, defective products are unlikely, and corruption is rare.


The development of Korea's Pali Pali culture has been accompanied by precision to some extent. The Korean Customer Satisfaction Index(KCSI) was first developed in 1992 by the Korean Management Consultants to measure customer satisfaction with the products and services provided various Korean industries. (DOOSAN CE China CSI fraud) 


How Korea was able to achieve global leadership in shipbuilding despite Japan's higher technological capacity and China's lower manufacturing costs? 


Because - Japan's Monozukuri (artisanship) consumes too much time and lacks the flexibility to address varying customer needs. China, on the other hand, lacks sufficient precision for quality shipbuilding even though they have cheap labor. Korean companies, however, have both, they can build ships faster than their competitors with relatively high precision. In short, Korea's shipbuilding industry achieved competitiveness because of its combination of speed and precision. 


4.2 Benchmarking: Learning the best practices for Efficient Catch-up


In an efficient market system with fluid technology transfer, it is often cheaper to adopt existing technologies than to develop them independently. However, benchmarking encompasses more than simply learning or imitating - it is not synonymous with being a "Copycat". The public tends to praise and appreciate revolutionary innovations and changes but disregards the efforts of countless players who implement incremental changes.


Regarding the Apple-Samsung lawsuits, should Samsung continue its imitation strategy despite its loss to Apple in the US courts? The answer is both yes and no. For a new product to be widely accepted, there must be an incremental improvement(“Alpha”) that represents a meaningful contribution to the market. Some media praised Samsung's benchmarking strategy and described Samsung as a company that provided a better product beyond imitating other companies. When the jury compared the products of Samsung and Apple, they acknowledged Samsung's addition of "Alpha" to Apple's product (i.e. Samsung's product = Apple's product + Alpha). However, they judged the "Alpha" to be negligible and did not find significant distinctions between Samsung and Apple's smartphone models. Of course, social and political factors may have affected the decision, but only endogenous variables directly related to this case will be considered here. 


4.2.1 Learning 学习

One can either learn from past experiences or by observing others, so call counterfeiting or imitation, they are quite different. A counterfeit does not replicate the original product but only forges its external appearance. Imitation has played an important role in human advancement over time. 

In 1994, Steve Jobs invited Bill Gates to his conference room to resolve a conflict over design theft of Apple and Microsoft. As expected, he angrily accused Bill Gates of deceit and malpractice. After Steve Jobs' rant, Bill Gates simply replied in his usual husky voice, " Well, Steve, I think there's more than one way of looking at it. I think it's more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set only to find you had already stolen it." Bill Gates's allegory is fairly accurate as Microsoft copied the graphic functions of Apple's computers, which was based on Xerox's original graphics. To the foundation provided by Xerox, Apple and Microsoft added their respective unique functions and launched the Macintosh and Windows Operations System, respectively. Microsoft eventually went on to bundle its OS with Internet Explorer and the Office suite. Thereafter. Microsoft's strategy emerged as the best practice in the field that set the global standard.

一个人既可以从过去的经验中学习,也可以通过观察他人来学习,亦即伪造或模仿,两者是完全不同的。假冒伪劣品不是复制原始产品,而是伪造其外观。随着时间的推移,模仿在人类进步中发挥了重要作用。1994年,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)邀请比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)来到他的会议室,以解决苹果和微软的设计版权冲突问题。不出所料,他愤怒地指责比尔·盖茨欺骗和渎职。在史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)大喊大叫之后,比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)用他一贯沙哑的声音回答道:“好吧,史蒂夫,我认为有不止一种方式来看待它。我想,更像是我们都有一个富有的邻居,名叫施乐,而我闯进他家,要偷他的电视机,结果发现你已经偷了它。”比尔盖茨的寓言是相当准确的,因为微软复制了苹果电脑的图形功能,这是基于施乐的原始图形。在施乐公司提供的基础上,苹果和微软分别增加了各自独特的功能,推出了Macintosh和Windows操作系统。微软最终将其操作系统、IE浏览器和Office套件捆绑在一起。此后。微软的战略成为这一领域的最佳实践,确立了全球标准。

Why do these great people and companies imitate others? The answer is simple - when a person, company, or nation tries to rise from scratch, there are many barriers, costs and risks. They generally lack the capacity, human resources, and information to make good decisions. I the initial stages of development, it is extremely difficult to control related fields and construct successful long-term strategies. In this precarious situations, learning by imitating others is the most efficient way to grow. 


In the case of Korea, the government and businesses neither had the experience nor infrastructure to independently develop after the war. Domestic capacity was extremely frail and lacking. As a solution, Korea learned from the experiences of Japan, which had undergone radical changes during its shift to capitalism and democracy. Also, since Korea did not know which products would sell in markets, imitating the products of global leading companies was certainly a logical step. Korea did not possess the capital or advanced technology to develop multiple competitive sectors at once. As a result, the Korean government had to select and concentrate on a few strategic industries and firms to implement the industrial development plans. This led to the rise of Chaebol, which demonstrated top performance and increased the nation's wealth.


Chaebol, had to quickly master advanced technology, render mass production, and increase sales in order to reinvest in other areas. The easiest and most effective way to do this was through imitation, or more precisely, learning from other successful companies. 


One way to analyze learning at the national level is to look at the level of imported technologies. In 2011, Korea's technology imports amounted to $9.9 billion, ranking tenth among OECD countries. maybe the first regarding Imports/Exports(9.9/4.03=224%). Samsung and Hyundai did not merely import technologies from abroad, but further improved them before exporting the final products embodied with enhanced technologies. This incrementally added value is what allowed Korean companies to surpass incumbent leaders and become leading players in their respective industries.


4.2.2 Best Practice 最佳实践

By 2013, Korea ranked sixth in terms of the numbers of patents granted by the US Patent and Trademark Office over the past 50 years. Samsung has invested heavily in the semiconductor business since 1987. 


In the Olympic sports of Archery and Taekwondo, Korea currently maintains the best practices, which is why foreign teams recruits Korean coaches.


It is nice to say, "become a leader or a pioneer by facing challenges, taking risks, and being innovative". However, in the world of business, this motto is neither practical nor meaningful. If the current environment is ignored and only new things are pursued, there will be grave risks. This is why only a modicum of ventures succeed despite numerous attempts. Three-quarters of American start-ups do not return investor's capital; one-third lose all their money, and more than 95% fail to see the projected ROI (Gage 2012). Even Microsoft, a large and competitive company, faced serious problems during its transition from Vista to XP. Much of it was due to its unawareness of existing products and excessive focus on becoming unique. 


The core message of benchmarking is to adhere to the three I's: Imitate(learn) > Improve > Innovate. 


4.3 Convergence: Mixing synergistically for Creating new value


Among many methods, exploiting and combining existing resources in a synergistic way is an efficient and less costly solution, which leads the next key factor in Korea's economic success - “convergence" . This is will illustrated by the famous Korean dish bibimbap (meaning "mixing rice")


Bibimbap: As a dish that combines vegetables, meat, rice, and pepper paste, bibimbap is a perfect example of mixing to create synergies.

  • includes many important nutritional ingredients so one can consume them in one dish simultaneously;
  • a wide range of tastes that can be created depending on the ingredients of choice;
  • the preparation and consumption is quick and efficient, served as a healthy alternative to fast food.


  • 人们可以同时在一道美食中包括许多重要的营养成分;
  • 根据所选择的配料,可以创造出很多口味;
  • 准备和消费是快速有效的,可作为快餐的健康替代品。

4.3.1 Mixing 混合

Global design centers of Samsung and LG were not built only conduct design activities but to research the tastes and needs of the sophisticated consumers in the global market. In developing countries, markets are often inefficient or dysfunctional. Korean firms maximize their profits from diverse market and industries rather than solely on a single business. Samsung gathered profits from the production of sugar and apparel and reinvested them into other industries such as semiconductors and electronics. Whether unrelated or related, synergy creation is necessary for firms to maintain sustainable growth and profitability.


4.3.2 Synergy Creation 协同效应的创造

From the early to intermediate phases of economic development, Korean companies engaged in a diversification strategy that created synergies from unrelated mixing. Korean-style diversification was judged as unrelated and unfair, with conglomerates manipulating the market with their enormous size and power and the "Octopus-leg" types of diversification. However, when Chaebol's diversification strategy is examined by looking at their resource utility, the level of synergies created from unrelated diversification was significant. When one business was in trouble, the profits from another business compensated for its loss and vice verse. This, in fact, is the power of a well-designed business portfolio. 


On the other hand, when there is improper mixing of a business portfolio, a company is most likely to face many obstacles. For instance, SONY failed in its venture into software 

industry, which represented a bad combination of ingredients. Effective convergence through mixing and synergy creation is a vital driving force for competitiveness.


4.4 Dedication: Diligence with Goal Orientation for a strong commitment


when the sources of economic development and firm competitiveness are observed, the focus tends to be on non-organic resources such as technology. Technology undoubtedly plays a big role in the growth of firms and industries. Yet, what is more important is the productivity of the People who produce, exchange, and manage these technologies and resources. At the firm level, managers are the ones who decide which resources should be developed and where they are invested. Indeed, productivity continues to be closely tied to people despite the growth of automated manufacturing systems and advanced technologies, and for service-related industries, this becomes even more apparent. Studies of organizational behavior often tie employee's performance to their motivation, and to this end scholars have explored methods for motivating employees to work hard and be creative. In the same light, deligence and goal orientation of people are the two conditions that are crucial for growth.


4.4.1 Diligence 勤奋工作

In US, the Korean grocery store forces many Jewish shop to close, due to the half hour early door opening and finally 7-24. 

  • Korea's GDP per capital $27,970 in 2014 from less than $100 in 1961. 
  • Korean has the second OECD longest annual working hours. (2136 in 2013, No.1 is 2237 of Mexico, Average 1770. Denmark-1411, Japan-1735)
  • Korean's tremendous effort to recover from the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis and now holds the healthiest and most stable financial system in Asia, - the Economist


  • 韩国的人均国内生产总值(GDP)从1961年的不足100美元增长到2014年的27,970美元。
  • 韩国人的年工作时间排在OECD第二位(2013年为2136小时,排在第一位的是墨西哥2237,OECD平均为1770小时;丹麦-1411年,日本-1735)
  • 韩国竭尽全力从1997年亚洲金融危机中成功复苏,现在拥有亚洲最健康和最稳定的金融体系-“经济学人”

4.4.2 Goal Orientation 目标导向

Laziness cannot benefit an individual or a country; people consider commitment and diligence to be intrinsically positive qualities. However, when people work diligently under a Tyrant or Incompetent leader, the country cannot undergo positive national development. Similarly, the Japanese, who are often praised for their diligence and meticulousness, have not seen much national growth over the last couple of decades. What else, then, is needed to propel economic development?


The answer is the presence of proper goal orientation. Goal orientation is crucial as it channels people's diligence in the right direction. A good example of strong goal orientation is the motivation of Korean sports team when they play against the country's perennial rival, Japan. (FIFA, ranking after Japan, but achieve a winning record over the past 60 years)


"You can live only if you have the spirit of to the death" is a popular statement in Korean. Korean firms and the government also embodied this similar mindset of "to die if we fail". 



