Strategy and execution

Strategy and execution

When Demosthenes was asked what were the three most important qualities in a speaker, he replied: "Action, action, action."

In another sense, this can be applied to a company manager who is asked to point out the three key attributes of his performance as manager and producer of results.

Of course, a CEO's actions are not expected to be catchy gestures, devoid of strategic sense or tactical orientation.

Nor would it be understood that his energy was a pure and simple waste of thoughtless gestures, without a line of intimate and veritable coherence.

But genius has already been described as "an extraordinary capacity for hard work," so no one can claim to be an excellent leader of a business project without an above average physical and mental activity index, because only then will he know how to maintain the advantages of information, wisdom and intervention over others, leading them by example.

It is said in the northern highlands that "among men there is no ox force," meaning that differences in capacity between individuals of the same nature are degree and surmountable.

This conviction of equivalence of basic capacities refers the differentials of force to character and, in this, especially to the will.

Having a strong will is a requirement of any boss. It builds on the power of suffering, independence, ambition and concentration on the objective that delimits the permanent advance towards the mob.

None of this allows to conclude that a CEO can only do his job well and obtain results if he is an obtuse and blind D. Casmurro to life.

Shuffling the plane of reason with the plane of the heart is trick spent. And poorly spent. As for our heart, we are with Don Francisco Manuel de Melo, when he asks: "Who could live with the man with an unchanging heart? What strength would suffice to tame him? What reason to persuade him? "

But as to why it should be kept consistent with the presuppositions of action and the objectives outlined. Because reason will be the mainstay of the will in moments of greater uncertainty. And whoever wants to bear responsibility will quickly discover that his will is the simplest principle and the shortest justification for all successful action.


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