Strategy for Competitive advantage
Pradeep Kathuria
Business Leader : Finance Business Partner : Strategy Planning : Coach and Mentor
Leaders ??needs to create value by driving strategy for Competitive advantage ensuring sustainability. Strategy reflects corporate philosophy, Vision, Mission, Culture, Core values & purpose of Organization. ?Strategy should focus on Competitive advantage by creating a sustained differentiation through innovation, efficiency & Competitiveness aligning all stakeholders.? ??
Leaders needs to drive Strategy for Competitive advantage some of emerging perspectives for:
Customer first perspective
Drive Customer Value & Design thinking culture in designing products, services & business models putting customer first perspective. Lead Data analytics for data driven decision on Customer changing patterns & trends, changing behaviors, capturing needs through demographics, gender & age, drive design development for sustained customer value. Customer defines value based on benefits & price, create competitive advantage by enhancing value benefits through communication, engagement, feature, after sales support, lifetime connect, quality, reliability, solution provider and Position Price & Brand driving Cost competitiveness.
Winning Aspirations & Growth mind set
Drive Wining aspirations by articulating state of future, unique value for customers & Growth mind set in the organization with a strategic focus on Markets, Customers, Channels, Products & services, Segments of Value Chain. Winning Aspirations articulates where to play, how to win & strategic choices to achieve aspirations attain competitive advantage. Growth mindset focus on continuous improvement enable environment to drive better customer satisfaction, productivity, innovation resulting in Competitive advantage.
Purpose Lead ?
Lead with Purpose enables to connect more with people, customers & all stakeholders. Employees want to feel a sense of purpose at work and know how their contribution make difference in organization goals, drives competitive advantage on innovation, productivity, excellence, competitiveness. Purpose led organizations have stronger customer relationships, customer loyalties results in more sales & revenues provides competitive advantage. Purpose Lead organizations drives positive contribution to society, enhanced governance & all stakeholder engagement for inclusive growth enables competitive advantage with better cost of capital availability, less litigation, better stake holder management and enhanced corporate governance.
Strategic Planning & Strategic Framework
Lead Strategic planning process & Set strategic framework for Strategic alignment to enable higher performance by optimizing the contributions of people, processes, & inputs to achieve measurable objectives and aligning resources to purpose. ?Drive Strategic acquisitions, assess Strategic risk, evaluate Strategic trade off, Digital to enhance customer connect & productivity, integrate stakeholders & support Skill development to deliver Strategic Value Creation for competitive advantage.
?Culture & Capabilities
Drive strong culture & enhance capabilities for Creativity, Adaptability Learning, Agility, Team talent, Innovation & coaching mindset for aligning customer value proposition & create differentiation. Culture & capabilities will drive customer depth alignment, innovating new products, services & business models, Cost competitiveness resulting enhanced customer experience & value attaining competitive advantage.
Leaders need to drive Strategy for competitive advantage to be relevant in all times with a principle of Co-existence aligning all stakeholders. Develop sustained structural attractiveness in the market with Dynamic Customer behavior by providing innovative products, services & business models. Create desire, develop capabilities & align organization resources to deliver value to customers. Position Brand, Product & Price to drive market aligning customers on shared vision & purpose. Generate value by driving better returns than cost of capital. Competitive advantage in the long run leads to sustained economic profits & better stakeholder engagement.