Strategise and Re-ignite Growth Post- COVID-19 Lockdown
As economies restart around the globe, it is worthwhile for corporations, SMEs, nations and even laymen on the streets to self-assess and identify the right strategies to adopt so as to seize any current and/or future opportunities ahead in the horizon.
The B.C.G Growth Model and SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) Analysis are the simplest and most tested tools that anyone can utilize to define and develop the right strategies for their circumstances and move ahead with calculated risk.
With enough resources/the right strategy and a cost-benefit analysis, you can actually transform a "?" or "Dog" entity into a Star business. Selling or closing a "?" and Dog entity is not the only option available. Understanding the business is the first step to getting assistance from any entity e.g. government, financial institution, new investor etc who can help to revive your fortunes.
If you never try, you will never know what you can uncover from your self assessment if hiring a business revival consultant is out of your budget. It will also make discussion with interested parties for funding more fruitful and tangible.
Derek is a contract consultant based in Singapore. He is always looking for quality and relevant long term employment opportunities within the nation. He is sharing perspectives in his personal capacity in the hope that a layman's general perspective might spark off something brilliant. Hopefully, it will make the world a more peaceful and better home for all that resides in it.
Derek holds an MBA and BSc (Hons) in Business Computing (Business Management and Computing) awarded by The Bradford University,UK, Specialist Diploma in Operational Risk Management from The National University of Singapore (NUS) Risk Management Institute (RMI), Specialist Diploma in IT Security from The Nanyang Polytechnic, Singapore , Diploma in Mobile Wireless Computing from The Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore, and The Oxford Fintech Program Certificate from The Oxford University, UK
Strategic Management Insight (2013). BCG growth-share matrix. Available from :,position%20(relative%20market%20share).
Noteseeker (N.A.). BCG Matrix. Available from:
WordStream (2020). How to Do a SWOT Analysis for Your Small Business (with Examples). Available from: