Strategies of War
Thank you. Image created by Vanessa Santos. Submitted for United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Strategies of War

Some of our parents and many of our grandparents witnessed the terror and anguish of World War II. My generation, however, had not yet felt the limitations and restrictions of a period of combat.

Well, it's time to write a new chapter in the history books!

Our war is different, the enemy is invisible, but similarities still exist: some people die, others don't, but most get hurt.

Some mistakenly think they are protected by youth and good health, but whether physical or emotional, when the battle approaches, wounds are inevitable.

The enemy is fierce, attacks silently, but our defense strategy is already defined and widely advertised.

Many sports we admire and practice nowadays are an evolution of training and strategies of war. Although it may be difficult to accept it, the agility and strength of the best quarterback will not help us at this moment. What we need is the sensibility and patience of a chess player instead.

Let's imagine that “covid19” is the name given to the ammunition that supplies the opponent's machine guns, and victims are people hit by shots from the invader.

When infected, people do not realize it for 5 days at least. Often, not even after that period. And therein lies the problem! Even without symptoms, sick individuals start playing in favor of the opponent and fire covid19 machine guns all over. Experts point out that this virus is so contagious that it spreads faster than fake news in social media groups. It's not a joke!

Therefore, before rejecting or disrespecting the actions imposed by experts and competent authorities from around the world, we need to be aware of possible consequences. Without noticing, we can turn into gunmens targeting our own parents, uncles, grandparents, and friends, and they may not resist!

Charles Darwin said something like “every living creature is a vessel made up of other forms of life: cells, bacterias, etc. Our planet, in turn, is an even larger vessel, also composed of other forms of life. And we are part of them!”.

The time has come. We need to be aware that our attitudes DO matter. Regardless of our social status or geographic location, we are literally all in the same boat, and reaching the destination or sinking midway solely depends on the choices we take.

For most of the population, this war is bloodless and sweatless, but requires discipline and respect.

Respect for our own life.

Respect for the lives of those around us.

And respect for the life of each frontline soldiers, who despite all adversities, remain firm and committed working on hospitals and health care centers.

The expression "you either have to be part of the solution, or you're going to be part of the problem" has never been so meaningful!

At the moment, the only effort required to maintain a safe navigation is to practice social distancing. And remember, we are absolutely privileged, and have countless virtual and electronic activities at hand.

Our war is different, but just like any other warfare, the economy will be seriously affected.

Our war is different, but just like any other warfare, we will be separated temporarily or permanently from those we love.

Our war is different, but just like any other warfare, it is inevitable that people will end up with physical or emotional sequels. Only a few will come out unharmed!

Wars are cruel. They hurt the body and the soul, but they also teach and generate opportunities.

Take advantage of the seclusion to reconnect with family and friends through digital tools.

Use the available time to remember good stories from the past by reviewing your photos and videos.

Take the opportunity to start or restart projects.

Keep up with your favorite movies, series and games.

Study, read, meditate.

The crisis will pass, and that would be great if we return to activities as better human beings than we had been.

For the good of all passengers on this giant ship called Earth, please stay home if you can.

Rodrigo Tomaz.


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