Strategies for Masterful Life Planning
Carly Pepin
Scale + Grow Your Business, Empower Your Leadership, Focus Forward. Coach, Human Behavior Specialist, Speaker, SoCal Yogi.
"An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan." Warren Buffet
If you take a look at your life right now, you will notice that the areas of life that have the most chaos or lack of achievement have the least strategic planning. You've put the least amount of energy and effort into them and therefore cannot expect to get the results you wanted.
However that doesn't always mean you should sit down and plan out every goal. Some of the goals that you have yet to achieve (which I'm sure you're beginning to reflect on from your 1st Quarter planning at the beginning of the year up until now), may be wisdom to drop.
Any item you haven't put effort into you don't have enough value around to actually achieve. So unless you add value to that goal to give yourself an intrinsic why, you will procrastinate, hesitate and then become frustrated at your lack of achievement.
Take a serious look at some of your goals that you haven't achieved and ask your self these three questions:
It's wisdom to get honest with yourself because any goal you say you want to achieve but are not actually taking action on is just a fantasy. It is an imagined outcome with no evidence of coming true. The cost of holding onto fantasies are outlined below:
When I say it's not worth it to hold onto a fantasy, I mean it. Waking up daily with this as a conscious and subconscious pattern will wreak havoc on your life and mental health.
Strategically and masterfully planning your life is not about just creating goals that seem "fun" or you "should" do because you see someone else you've admired doing it.
It's about understanding yourself to such a degree that you can reflect on the goals you truly want to accomplish and you do not because someone else did them, but because it feels like you were destined to achieve them. Not because you want the pride of achieving an outcome that you've infatuated with or want the world to pat you on the back, but because you are inspired and fulfilled to go through pleasure and pain to be on the mission that you feel you were destined to be on.
What are the results of setting strategic goals aligned with your mission?
“By far the best investment you can make is in yourself.” - Warren Buffet
We don't know how many lives we get to live but we do know this is the only one we get to be US. It's wisdom to invest the time and energy into ensuring you do everything you can and want to with the time you have. So that you can get over the #1 regret people have when they die RIGHT NOW:
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
If you're interested in strategically and masterfully planning your life and investing in yourself book in a complimentary Clarity Conversation to find out how to transform these challenges in your life and business. Book Now
With Gratitude,
Carly Pepin