Strategies for Increasing Business at Existing Accounts When They want to Spread the Business
"We believe in spreading our business". Not uncommon words for the Salesperson to hear when they try to obtain a greater share of the customer's business. Is it really the customer's philosophy, or is it a smoke screen objection? It can be either. Some will say they like to be fair; some say they don't want all of their eggs in one basket, and others follow this pattern in order to increase competition and the resulting lower prices for them. In each case it presents a problem when you seek to gain preference. Before you start to make your move to increase your unfair share at your accounts, Be sure to read up and practice your techniques on smoke screens and objections. When the reason which the customer gives is his real reason, consider the following: If he wants to be fair, indicate the other groups to whom he also wants to be fair - Himself, stockholders, employees, his customers, family, etc. Try to show him that by buying more from you, he can achieve savings that will enable him to be "fairer" to these other groups, including himself. Indicate the hidden costs he is paying for the policy. If he doesn't want all his eggs in one basket, it is probably because he fears the results of strikes, other interruptions in delivery or the possibility that our competitors will overlook him when they come out with improvements. The recourse available to you is to provide assurance, back it up with facts and cause him to review your record of past performance. Stimulate his recall of favorable experiences he has had with you and your company. Provide guarantees when you can or stockpiling for his future requirements when possible. Emphasize the losses he sustains by spreading his business.