Strategies for Improving Your Product Listings And Descriptions To Increase Sales

Strategies for Improving Your Product Listings And Descriptions To Increase Sales


Product descriptions are an important part of your product listings on Amazon. They help potential customers decide whether or not they want to buy your product, and they also give them a chance to learn more about it. It's very important that you create accurate, informative product descriptions so that customers can use them while shopping online or in brick-and-mortar stores. Here's how:

Create Accurate, Informative Product Descriptions

When you're creating your product descriptions, it's important to remember that customers are looking for more than just a description of what the product is and how it works. They want all the information they can get about whether or not this is a good fit for them.

  • Include an image of the product: This is especially important if it's something like jewelry or clothing where there might be some variation between what people expect based on their own experience with similar items (i.e., everyone has different tastes in clothing). Addressing this concern by showing a picture helps put buyers at ease and gives them confidence in their purchase decision before they even make one.*
  • Describe why someone would want this item: If someone searches "black dress shirt" how do we know which shirt will work best? Asking yourself questions like these while writing descriptions makes it easier to figure out what details matter most when describing something specific.*

Use Keywords That Are Relevant To Your Product And Its Category

Use keywords that are relevant to your product and its category. Including keywords in the title, description, and bullet points will help people find your listings. You should also use words that are not just relevant to your product but also to the customer--this can help you stand out from competitors who have similar products on their pages.

For example, if you sell a robot vacuum cleaner, use words like "robot," "vacuum," and "cleaning" in your title and description. You can also include words that are related to the customer's needs, such as "saving time" or "easy to use."

Include Valuable Information In The Description

The next step is to fill out the description with as much information as possible. This is where you can really differentiate yourself from other sellers, so don't be afraid to go into detail about the product and its features.

You want to keep it engaging, but not wordy. You want people who are looking at your page in their search results or on Amazon's website (and this includes bots) to be able to easily read through what you've written without getting bored or confused by too many words or complicated sentences.

In addition, make sure that all important details are included: shipping policies like free shipping and returns policy information; warranties; calls-to-action (CTAs) such as "Add To Cart" buttons with photos or illustrations that show users exactly what will happen if they click them; bullet points highlighting key points about the product; etc.

Add Bullet Points To Stress Key Selling Points

Bullet points are a great way to break up the text and make it easier for your customers to read. They can also be used to highlight the most important aspects of your product, or even just list the benefits and features of what you're selling.

Bullet points should be used sparingly--there's no need for more than two or three per item description--but they can be very effective in getting people interested in what you have on offer!

Use Active Voice; Avoid Passive Voice

"The passive voice is a grammatical construction where the grammatical subject receives the action of a transitive or intransitive verb and is not expressed as an agent, but rather as an indirect object. The term "passive" derives from the fact that in many languages (such as English), it is most frequently used to describe forms of words called verbs that are constructed with an auxiliary verb and a past participle form of some other verb."

It's important to note that there is no wrong way to write your product descriptions--they should be tailored for each individual product and brand you're selling on Amazon. However, using active voice will help you avoid sounding like you're talking down at your customers by making them feel like they're being told what they need instead of being asked questions about their needs (which makes them more likely stay).

Optimize Your Titles And Meta Descriptions For Search Engines

You can optimize your product titles and meta descriptions for search engines by using the right keywords. Be sure to include the product name in both places, as well as relevant keywords that describe the product.

Also, keep in mind that Google prefers short meta descriptions (200 characters or less) over longer ones. Make sure yours is relevant but not too long!

Maintain Consistency Across Pages Of A Multi-Page Listing

When you have a multi-page listing, it's important to maintain consistency across all of the pages. This means using the same tone, style and format across all of your listings so that customers can easily navigate from one page to another. You should also use keywords consistently throughout each listing; this will help with SEO and make it easier for potential buyers to find what they're looking for.

Finally, if two products in your multi-page product description are closely related (such as different sizes or colors), consider linking them together with cross-links so that users can easily navigate between them without having to scroll through all of their options first before making a decision about which item they want to purchase.


Product descriptions are one of the most important tools you have for selling your products. They give customers an idea of what they're buying before they make a purchase, so it's important that they contain all the necessary information. Writing good product descriptions can be challenging, but if you follow these tips and keep up with regular maintenance on your listings, then you should be able to optimize them for search engines and improve sales!


