Strategies from Atomic Habits
NLP trainer Juliet Lever shares top take aways from Atomic Habits

Strategies from Atomic Habits

As a trainer of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) I LOVED every minute of reading 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear. It is a book that has sold over 1 million copies and has over 160,000 Amazon reviews...

It's a book I come back to time and time again, as James Clear has explained simple habit changes (and numerous NLP concepts) in a way that is super easy to understand and apply.

He suggests to create a new habit, you need to use a new loop (or strategy) which is cue, craving, response and reward.

From an NLP methodology, every single thing you do is a result of a subconscious 'strategy' you are running.

You have subconscious strategies for what to have for breakfast, when to brush your teeth, how to dress, what to buy, marketing your business or even doing sales calls.

We generally have unuseful strategies in the areas we aren't getting the results we want in life.

Your strategies can be also tied to your beliefs (as I've explained in previous articles).

So, say for example you don't believe you're good at sales. You're probably not running a great unconscious strategy for how to approach or handle sales calls.

For example, it might be, making a call, feeling nervous on the call and imagining the person saying no.

A sales person that does believe they are great at sales, is going to have much more useful subconscious strategies.

For example, they will probably feel confident and even visualise the client saying yes to them at the end of the call before they even pick up the phone.

These small changes (how you feel and what you are focused on) may seem trivial, but as the law of expectation will always play out, it will have a huge impact on the strategy you run, and therefor on the outcome.

What strategies are you running? ??

And is it time to evolve them?

Explore this and more at our upcoming online or in person event, 'Evolve Your Mind' on the 28th of July.


