Strategic Thinking: The Ultimate Skill
Strategic Thinking...buzzword or ultimate skill?
When growing up, I had the privilege of learning chess at a young age from my grandfather (Papa Wilbur). I wasn't able to play all that much as he lived in Columbus, Ohio and I was in the Chicago suburbs, but I always remember the lessons I learned. Two of those lessons were to first think about the consequences of your actions and secondly, to take the other person's perspective. Little did I know that those two lessons translated to much more than just the 8x8 chess board.
Because in life, and in the business world, no matter what, these two lessons are directly applicable. How many times have you heard your parents or friends say "You need to think about the consequences of your actions!" or "Can't you see it from my point of view?" I'm sure you may recount at least a few times...
These two lessons have a common string in that a person is escaping the myopic view of self-centeredness and instead is being other-centered. In chess, if you don't think a few moves ahead, you are bound to be caught in a trap, losing valuable pieces. In life, if you don't think ahead, you are bound to hurt something, someone else, or even yourself - again losing something metaphorically valuable. Thinking about consequences is about knowing "If I say or do X, and knowing the environmental factors around me, Y will most likely happen."
Similarly, failing to take another's point of view before acting may lead to dire consequences. For example, in chess, I always found it helpful to think "why is my opponent moving there, and not here." or "If I moved here, I expect my Papa Wilbur would move there." This gave me a competitive advantage to be one step ahead. In life and business it's much the same. If I can get myself out of my box and think about how others are looking at the board (or life, conflict, a key decision) then I can better understand how to move next.
The main point is that there are many facets of Thinking Strategically, and it's a skill set that is not just for Leaders. It is a simple process of using the brain we've been given to think proactively, outside of ourselves, to understand the right next steps and positively influence those around us. When you have a whole family, group or organization thinking strategically, the exponential creativity and connection culminates in exceptional results.
So give it a try. The next situation you're in, ask yourself two questions:
You may find yourself acting or speaking less and thinking or listening more. And in my perspective, this isn't necessarily a bad quality when looking to lead a life with intention.