Strategic perception, roadblock strategies, development gaps, and the new Cold War of technology
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
AI is humanity’s common asset, and should not become “a game for the rich countries and the wealthy” or be used to generate another development divide. To maintain its supremacy, the US chooses to split the world into tiers, granting access to countries that are “close” and barring access to “the rest.” The real purpose is to deprive developing countries, including China, of the right to make their own progress in science and development. This kind of roadblock strategy hurts the global common interest of promoting AI for good, and has triggered concerns from various quarters about a new tech Cold War from the US. Many US tech companies and industry associations have spoken loud and clear against the measures announced by the Biden administration.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025?
Today’s quote:
AI is humanity’s common asset, and should not become “a game for the rich countries and the wealthy” or be used to generate another development divide.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 现行国际秩序面临多重挑战,一些国家奉行实力至上的逻辑,恃强凌弱、巧取豪夺、零和博弈大行其道,发展鸿沟加剧,安全赤字加重,结盟对抗、封闭排他的做法与多极化的发展方向背道而驰,与冷战结束后的国际关系走向格格不入。?
The current international order is facing a myriad of challenges. Some countries, holding to the notion of might makes right, willfully engage in bullying, plundering and zero-sum competition. The development gap is widening and the deficit in security is growing. The isolationist and exclusive practice of alliance-based confrontation runs counter to the trend towards multipolarity and the evolution of international relations in the post-Cold War era.? (White_Paper_Global Community of Shared Future- China’s Proposals and Actions_携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动_2023_09_26)?
?? 当今世界,多重挑战和危机交织叠加,世界经济复苏艰难,发展鸿沟不断拉大,生态环境持续恶化,冷战思维阴魂不散,人类社会现代化进程又一次来到历史的十字路口。?
In today's world, multiple challenges and crises are intertwined. The global economic recovery remains sluggish, the development gap is widening, ecological environment is deteriorating, and the Cold War mentality is lingering. Humanity's modernization process has once again reached a crossroads of history.? (Xi Jinping_Keynote Address at the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting_2023_03_15)?
?? ... 克服发达国家和发展中国家发展鸿沟,共同推动各国发展繁荣。当前,公平问题日益突出,南北差距有待弥合,可持续发展事业面临严峻挑战。?
... close the divide between developed and developing countries and jointly bring about growth and prosperity for all. Today, inequality continues to grow, the North-South gap remains to be bridged, and sustainable development faces severe challenges.? (Xi_Jinping_Address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda_ 习近平在世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会上的特别致辞 202101_25)?
?? ... 跨越发展鸿沟,重振全球发展事业。?
... we need to bridge the development divide and revitalize global development.? (Xi_Jinping_Forge Ahead with Confidence and Fortitude to Jointly Create a Better Post-COVID World Special Address by at the 2022 World Economic Forum Virtual Session在2022年世界经济论坛视频会议的演讲_坚定信心勇毅前行共创后疫情时代美好世界 202201_17)
Today’s quote:
AI is humanity’s common asset, and should not become “a game for the rich countries and the wealthy” or be used to generate another development divide.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous PRC history ?
?? 当前,人工智能技术快速发展迭代,为各国经济社会发展带来广阔机遇。习近平主席在二十国集团领导人里约热内卢峰会上强调,要加强人工智能国际治理和合作,确保人工智能向善、造福全人类,避免其成为“富国和富人的游戏”。这是中方的坚定立场,更是全球南方的共同愿景。?
The rapid AI development and iteration opens up vast opportunities for countries’ economic and social development. At the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, President Xi Jinping stressed that we should step up international governance and cooperation on AI, to make sure that AI is for good and for all, not a game of the rich countries and the wealthy. This is what China stands for and an aspiration shared by the Global South.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 5, 2024)?
?? 要加强人工智能国际治理和合作,确保人工智能向善、造福全人类,避免其成为“富国和富人的游戏”。?
We should step up international governance and cooperation on artificial intelligence (AI), to make sure that AI is for good and for all, not a game of the rich countries and the wealthy.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the G20 Summit on Reform of the Institutions? [2024.11.18])?
Today’s quote:
AI is humanity’s common asset, and should not become “a game for the rich countries and the wealthy” or be used to generate another development divide.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 世界遗产是人类的共同财富,保护传承好世界遗产是人类的共同责任。?
World heritage is the common wealth of all humanity and needs to be protected and preserved by all.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 29, 2024)?
?? 6月7日,第78届联合国大会协商一致通过中国提出的设立“文明对话国际日”决议。决议以习近平主席提出的全球文明倡议“四个共同倡导”核心要义为主线,明确所有文明成就都是人类社会的共同财富,倡导尊重文明多样性,强调文明对话对于维护世界和平、促进共同发展、增进人类福祉、实现共同进步的重要作用,倡导不同文明间的平等对话和相互尊重,决定将6月10日设立为“文明对话国际日”,邀请联合国会员国、联合国系统各机构等纪念该国际日。?
On June 7 [2024], the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted by consensus the China-tabled resolution on the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations. The resolution builds on the core elements of the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, namely to jointly advocate the respect for the diversity of civilizations, the common values of humanity, the importance of inheritance and innovation of civilizations, and robust international people-to-people exchanges and cooperation. The resolution makes it clear that all civilizational achievements constitute the collective heritage of humankind, advocates respect for the diversity of civilizations, highlights the role of the dialogue among civilizations in upholding world peace, promoting common development, enhancing human welfare, and achieving common progress, and calls for equal dialogue and mutual respect among civilizations. The resolution decides to establish June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations, and invites all Member States and UN agencies to commemorate the International Day.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 11, 2024)?
?? 30年的宝贵经验是中国和东盟的共同财富,为双方发展全面战略伙伴关系奠定了基础、提供了遵循。?
The valuable experience we have gained over the past 30 years is the shared asset of China and ASEAN. It lays the foundation and provides guidelines for developing our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.? (Xi Jinping_Speech at the Special Summit to Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations_在中国-东盟建立对话关系30周年纪念峰会上的讲话_2021_11_22)?
?? 改善和加强国有资产监管,确保资产保值增值,把人民的共同财富切实守护好、发展好。?
We will improve and strengthen regulation of state assets, and ensure that state assets maintain and increase their value, as we are duty bound to see that the common wealth of the people is well protected and grows.? (政府工作报告_2017)
AI is humanity’s common asset, and should not become “a game for the rich countries and the wealthy” or be used to generate another development divide. To maintain its supremacy, the US chooses to split the world into tiers, granting access to countries that are “close” and barring access to “the rest.” The real purpose is to deprive developing countries, including China, of the right to make their own progress in science and development. This kind of roadblock strategy hurts the global common interest of promoting AI for good, and has triggered concerns from various quarters about a new tech Cold War from the US. Many US tech companies and industry associations have spoken loud and clear against the measures announced by the Biden administration.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)
Today’s quote:
China is an active advocate and practitioner of AI global governance. We put forward the Global Initiative for AI Governance, facilitated UNGA adoption by consensus of the resolution on AI capacity-building, and established the group of friends for international cooperation on AI capacity-building. China will continue to work with all parties to embrace openness, connectivity and equality instead of building walls, decoupling and discrimination, create an open, inclusive, and non-discriminatory environment for AI development that is beneficial to all, and make sure that all countries can access the benefit of AI.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 中方欢迎联合国达成“全球数字契约”。契约强调发展优先、普惠包容、创新驱动、保护数字空间文化多样性,营造开放、公平、包容和非歧视数字发展环境,这些原则与中方提出的全球发展倡议和全球文明倡议理念相通。契约提出制定全球数据安全共同标准,开展人工智能治理全球对话及政府间谈判,这些举措与中方提出的《全球人工智能治理倡议》《全球数据安全倡议》路径一致。?
China welcomes the adoption of the Global Digital Compact at the UN. The compact underlines development as a priority, universal benefit and inclusiveness, innovation-driven development, and preservation of cultural diversity in the digital space, and it aims to foster an open, fair, inclusive and non-discriminatory digital environment. These principles have much in common with the visions of China’s Global Development Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative. The compact proposes to adopt common standards for global data security and hold a Global Dialogue on AI Governance and intergovernmental negotiations. These measures are consistent with what needs to be done to deliver on China’s Global Initiative for AI Governance and Global Initiative on Data Security.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 23, 2024)?
?? 7月4日至6日,2024世界人工智能大会暨人工智能全球治理高级别会议在上海举行,国务院总理李强出席大会开幕式并致辞。李强总理指出,作为全球人工智能发展的重要力量,中国始终积极拥抱智能变革,不断探索人工智能发展和治理的有效路径。为推动人工智能全球发展、增进人类福祉,共同走向更美好的智能未来,要深化创新合作,释放智能红利;推动普惠发展,弥合智能鸿沟;加强协同共治,确保智能向善。大会发表了《人工智能全球治理上海宣言》,就促进人工智能发展、安全、治理、公众参与和提升社会福祉提出系列主张,为构建人工智能全球治理国际框架作出新贡献。此次大会在全球人工智能发展日新月异、“智能鸿沟”逐步加剧、治理紧迫性显著上升的背景下举行,是中国推进落实《全球人工智能治理倡议》的重大举措,为全球人工智能治理注入了强劲动力,搭建了人工智能国际交流合作新平台,全面展示了中国人工智能发展和治理成就。中方愿以此次大会为契机,秉持共商共建共享理念,与各方携手合作,推动全球人工智能健康、安全、公平、有序发展。?
The 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance was held in Shanghai from July 4 to 6 [2024]. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council?attended?and addressed the opening ceremony. Premier Li Qiang noted that as an important player in global AI development, China has actively embraced the intelligent transformation and explored effective approaches to AI development and governance. To enable AI to better serve global development and human wellbeing, and pave the way for a brighter, more intelligent future, we need to deepen cooperation on innovation and release the dividends of AI. We need to promote inclusive development and bridge the AI divide. We need to strengthen collaboration on AI governance and ensure AI for good. The?Shanghai Declaration?on Global AI Governance was released at the meeting. The document contains a series of proposals on promoting AI development, safety, governance and public participation, and increasing social well-being, making new contribution to building an international framework on AI global governance. The Conference this year is held amidst rapid global AI development, widening AI divide, and a stronger sense of urgency for AI governance. The Conference represents an important measure for China to implement the Global AI Governance?Initiative. It lends a strong impetus for global AI governance, establishes a new platform for international exchanges and cooperation on AI, and comprehensively showcases China’s progress made on AI and AI governance. China hopes that this Conference will serve as a good opportunity to promote the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution for shared benefit and work with the rest of the world for sound, safe, fair, and orderly global AI development.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 5, 2024)?
?? 习近平主席在第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式上宣布中方提出《全球人工智能治理倡议》,得到国际社会的高度关注和积极评价。各方普遍认为,《倡议》充分彰显人类命运共同体理念,契合各国发展人工智能的现实需要,为推动人工智能健康、安全、有序发展作出了独特贡献。一些发展中国家认为,人工智能规则制定不能仅由少数发达国家说了算,应增强“全球南方”在人工智能领域的话语权,推动构建公平公正的人工智能国际治理体系。不少国家表示,期待同中方加强在人工智能领域的交流合作。中方愿以落实《倡议》为契机,同各方就人工智能全球治理开展沟通交流、务实合作,确保人工智能始终朝着人类文明进步的方向发展。?
President Xi Jinping announced China’s Global AI Governance Initiative at the opening ceremony of the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. The Initiative has received high attention and positive comments from the international community. It is widely recognized that the Initiative fully embodies the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, meets countries’ need for AI development, and has made unique contribution to the healthy, safe and orderly development of AI. Some developing countries noted that AI rules-making cannot be determined by a few developed countries. It is important to increase the say of the Global South and build a fair and equitable international governance system in the area of AI. Many countries have expressed their willingness to enhance exchange and cooperation with China in AI. China stands ready to take the implementation of the Initiative as an opportunity to carry out communication, exchange and practical cooperation with various parties on global AI governance, and ensure that AI develops in a way that advances human civilization.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 28, 2023)?
?? 中方将在本届论坛上提出全球人工智能治理倡议,愿同各国加强交流和对话,共同促进全球人工智能健康有序安全发展。?
At this Forum [Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, Beijing, October 18, 2023], China will put forward the Global Initiative for Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance. We stand ready to increase exchanges and dialogue with other countries and jointly promote the sound, orderly and secure AI development in the world.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)
Today’s quote:
AI is humanity’s common asset, and should not become “a game for the rich countries and the wealthy” or be used to generate another development divide.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous history of the term:
?? 当前,人工智能技术快速发展并开始广泛应用,已成为新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重要驱动力量。作为人工智能大国,中国高度重视人工智能技术的发展与应用问题,尤其关注加强广大发展中国家的能力建设,积极致力于帮助他们从中获益,确保“全球南方”国家有机会深入参与人工智能全球治理进程。在此背景下,中方在今年联合国大会提出“加强人工智能能力建设国际合作”决议,获得协商一致通过,143个国家联署。?
The rapid development and wide application of AI has made it an important driver of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. As a major country in the field of AI, China attaches great importance to the development and application of AI, especially on strengthening the capacity building of the vast developing world. China is actively committed to helping fellow developing countries benefit from AI, and ensuring that countries of the Global South have the opportunity to be sufficiently involved in global AI governance. Against this backdrop, China submitted a draft resolution during this year’s UN General Assembly entitled “Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence”, which was adopted by consensus and co-sponsored by 143 countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 3, 2024)?
?? 人工智能技术与联合国《特定常规武器公约》框架下“致命性自主武器系统”问题讨论紧密相关。?
AI technologies are highly relevant to the discussions of lethal autonomous weapon systems under the CCW framework.? Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 14, 2021? ?? 此举旨在倡导“智能向善”理念,呼吁各国在军事领域负责任开发和利用人工智能技术。?
By doing so, we are advocating the principle of “AI for good”, and encouraging all countries to develop and apply AI technologies in the military sphere in a responsible manner.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 14, 2021)?
?? 作为世界和平的积极建设者、多边主义的坚定维护者,中方愿继续同各方加强交流与合作,妥善应对人工智能军事应用带来的风险与挑战,推动人工智能技术惠及各国人民。?
As an active builder of world peace and a staunch defender of multilateralism, China is ready to step up exchanges and cooperation with all parties to properly address risks and challenges posed by military applications of AI and to deliver AI’s benefits to people of all countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 14, 2021)
Today’s quote:
We mourn for the lives lost in the raging wildfires in the Los Angeles area, and express sympathies to those who are injured, their families and those who have lost loved ones to the fire.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 智利此次严重山火灾情造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失,令人痛心。中方对遇难者表示哀悼,向遇难者家属和伤者表示慰问。?
The fatalities and serious financial loss caused by the devastating wildfires in Chile were heart-wrenching. We mourn for the lost lives, extend condolences to the bereaved families and the injured.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on February 5, 2024)?
?? 去年8月重庆山火,中国西南大学的美籍教师扛着油锯上山救援,中国网民纷纷点赞。夏威夷州暴发严重山火后,中方也是第一时间慰问,并表示愿积极提供必要帮助。这些才是中美地方和民间交往的真实叙事。?
In August last year [2022], an American teacher working in China’s Southwest University carried chain saws to help fight wildfires in Chongqing. His brave deed was widely acclaimed by Chinese people online. After the devastating wildfires broke out in Hawaii, China immediately extended sympathies and expressed readiness to provide help as needed. Those are the true stories about sub-national and people-to-people exchanges between China and the US.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 18, 2023)?
?? 这一年发生的地震、洪水、干旱、山火等自然灾害和一些安全事故,让人揪心,令人难过,但一幕幕舍生取义、守望相助的场景感人至深,英雄的事迹永远铭记在我们心中。?
In the course of 2022, we encountered various natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, droughts and wildfires, and experienced some workplace accidents. Amid those disconcerting and heartbreaking scenes, there have emerged numerous touching stories of people sticking together in face of adversity or even sacrificing their lives to help others in distress. Those heroic deeds will be forever etched in our memories.? (Xi_Jinping_New Year Speech [2023])
Today’s quote:
In his meeting with President Biden in Lima, Peru, President Xi Jinping reviewed the experiences from the past four years and listed the inspirations that can be drawn from them, namely, to have a correct strategic perception, match words with actions, treat each other as equals, not to challenge red lines and paramount principles, conduct more dialogue and cooperation, respond to the expectations of the people, and step forward to shoulder the responsibilities of major countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 14, 2025)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 我们要求美方校正对华战略认知,回归理性务实的对华政策,切实尊重中方重大关切,在相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的道路上与中方同向发力,通过坦诚、有效、建设性对话合作,推动两军关系稳下来、好起来、向前走。?
We require the US side to recalibrate its strategic perception on China, return to a sensible and practical China policy, and respect China's major concerns. The US should make concerted efforts with China in the principle of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation to stabilize and improve the mil-mil relationship through candid, effective and constructive dialogues and cooperation.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 26, 2024)?
?? 当地时间2024年11月16日下午,国家主席习近平在利马同美国总统拜登举行会晤。...过去4年的经验值得总结、启示需要记取,我认为至少有以下几条。 ... 一是要有正确的战略认知。“修昔底德陷阱”不是历史的宿命,“新冷战”打不得也打不赢,对华遏制不明智、不可取,更不会得逞。?
On the afternoon of November 16 [2024] local time, President Xi Jinping met with U.S. President Joe Biden in Lima. ... President Xi underscored that it is worthwhile to review the experiences of the past four years and draw inspirations from them. He listed the following: First, it is important to have a correct strategic perception. The Thucydides’s Trap is not a historical inevitability. A new Cold War should not be fought and cannot be won. Containing China is unwise, unacceptable and bound to fail.? (Xi Jinping Speaks with U.S. President Joe Biden? [2024.4.2])?
?? 昨天晚上,国家主席习近平应约同美国总统拜登通电话。 ... 习近平主席强调,战略认知问题始终是中美关系必须扣好的“第一粒纽扣”。中美这样两个大国,不能不来往、不打交道,更不能冲突对抗,应该相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢,继续沿着稳定、健康、可持续的道路向前走,而不应该走回头路。?
Last night [April 2, 2024], President Xi Jinping spoke with US President Joe Biden on the phone at the request of the latter. ... President Xi Jinping stressed that the issue of strategic perception is always fundamental to the China-US relationship, just like the first button of a shirt that must be put right. Two big countries like China and the United States should not cut off their ties or turn their back on each other, still less slide into conflict or confrontation. The two countries should respect each other, coexist in peace and pursue win-win cooperation. The relationship should continue moving forward in a stable, sound and sustainable way, rather than going backward.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 3, 2024)
Read in parallel: