Welcome to Newsletter #730 quick content summary! Thanks to today’s newsletter sponsor: Windowline - https://windowline.com.au/
Did you know that the full edition of the newsletter also includes the latest media news articles and strata events from around Australia? Head to your comprehensive strata newsletter here: https://www.lookupstrata.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Strata-News-730.html
- NAT: What proactive maintenance measures can prolong building life and reduce costs in strata? - Lannock Strata Finance + Bugden Allen Group Legal + Sedgwick
- QLD Q: Can my proxy and I both attend an Extraordinary General Meeting? My proxy would be there as an advisor and for support. - Tower Body Corporate
- WA Q: Is the strata company responsible for locating and fixing leaks, even if the individual owner is ultimately responsible for the cost? - Empire Estate Agents
- VIC Q: Our new building is part of a larger precinct. All buildings pay into a precinct maintenance fund. We pay more than we believe is fair. How is our unit of liability calculated, and can it be changed? - Tisher Liner FC Law
- QLD Q: Does the BCCM have a Practice Direction for handling CCTV records in a body corporate? - Hynes Legal and Strata Solve
- NSW Q: Can our strata manager install CCTV in the hallways of our retirement village without consent from the residents? - Premium Strata
- NSW: Fire Reforms Now 2026-27: New Key Dates and Changes - JS Mueller & Co Lawyers
- QLD: Not All “House Rules” Are Invalid - Grace Lawyers
Nikki, Liza and The Team at LookUpStrata