"Strange New World" Book Review
Are you someone like me who wonders, how on earth did our politics and social discourse become entwined with one’s sexual choices and hurt feelings??A recent book, “Strange New World” by Carl Trueman, provides a succinct and objective summary of the philosophers, economists, and psychologists of the past two hundred years who have provided the theories and philosophies that have changed liberal ways of thinking to our current state.?Fifty years ago societal stability was provided by family, faith communities and nations, yet the philosophy of western liberal societies have actively sought to dismantle 5,000 years of Judeo-Christian foundations in pursuit of unrestrained individual freedom, where personal feelings, thought and pleasure are sacrosanct.
Trueman, a historian, and biblical theologian traces the lines of thought from the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche in the 18th and 19th centuries to, Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich and modern the era that have led to the sexualization of politics and a reconstructed interpretation of freedoms and individual rights.
This book is not written as an argument or opinion of our current political state, but simply a statement of facts based on well known writings and statements. Any criticisms Trueman offers are presented through logical systemic argument, providing counter views from a Judeo-Christian perspective.