We as Pakistanis are very strange and weird we have many bizarre skills and habits and to make a useless and pathetic argument is one of them. On every occasion when we are supposed to be United, we try our level best to be disintegrated. Let me endorse my statement:
1. 1st of January, Sorry brov I am Muslim and my new year starts from 1st of Muharram.
2. On Kashmir day, we have severe and very serious debate that whether we should support Kashmir or not, instead of own Kashmir unanimously.
3. On 23rd Match, we debate and argue on the objective resolution ridiculously.
4. On Shab e mairaj, we have an extreme sectarian debate.
5. On Eid Ul fitr, we hilariously have arguments regarding the appearance of moon. We as a nation can't even celebrate Eid on the same date.
6. 14th August, the Independence day but again unfortunately we have arguments here too. We don't even know that whether Pakistan should be an Islamic state or a secular state. Every person does his catharsis by abusing other Pakistani as per his political doctrine.
7. On Eid ul azha, we try to knock down each other while defining the "actual" meaning of sacrifice.
8. On very first Moharram, we debate that whether we should welcome the new year of Islamic month or not?
9. 10th of Muharram, regardless of the importance of this day, we wish to kill the other and this is the day when "Kafir-momin" debate swings sharply.
10. 12th Rabiul awal, on this day, everyone folds his cuffs and brings his fallacious arguments to undermine the importance of this day.
11. On Black Friday, we will follow "goras" but in Islamic way and we will call it "bright friday" this is so pathetic and equally hilarious.
(Imran Awan)