The Strange Human Evolution ...
The only Easiest ,Earliest ,Cheapest , Shortest , Fastest , and Common Global Human solution is to change Globally our life style ,taste and priority

The Strange Human Evolution ...

A strong Link between 4 Basic Human Needs and 4000 Human Delights. While Global Poverty has a market value of 1.6Triilion USD , the Global human Delight industry has a market value more than 8.7 Trillion USD( More than 5 Fold )

  1. Travel&Tourism-2900Billion USD
  2. Alcohol Beverages-1609Billion USD
  3. Tobacco Industry-814 Billion USD
  4. Cell phones-750 Billion USD
  5. Advertisement Industry-700 Billion USD
  6. Drugs Industry-650 Billion USD
  7. Gambling Industry-565.4 Billion USD
  8. Sports Industry-500 Billion USD
  9. Lottery Industry-166.3 Billion USD
  10. Gaming Industry-152 Billion USD
  11. Cinema Industry-136 Billion USD
  12. Theme park-70 Billion USD
  13. Fire Crackers-26 Billion USD
  14. Hundreds of such ....-Many Billions of USD

Total =More than 8738.7 Billion USD=8.7 Trillion USD

Realizing the strong link between 4000 Human Delights and the 4 Basic human Needs , decided to objectively measure the Relationship with one of the "Human delight"(Alcohol as an example) with "Human need ( Poverty as an example) " Below is the sample calculation.

Revenue in the Alcoholic drinks market amount to USD-1609 Billion in 2023 .

The market is expected to grow annually by 5.42 (CAGR for 2023 - 2027)

The new global poverty lines reflect the typical national poverty lines of countries (2017 prices) $2.15,/Day -Low income $3.65/Day-Lower-middle income $6.85/Day-Upper-middle income According to the World Bank, about 9.2% of the world (0.72 billion people), live in extreme poverty, on less than $2.15 a day. However, when looking beyond income to people experiencing deprivations in health, education, and living standards, 1.2 billion people in 111 developing countries are multidimensionally poor (2022 UNDP report).

Even assuming 1.47 billion people income needs to be elevated from 1.65 USD /Day to 4.65 USD/Day , it is 3 USD/Day 1.47 Billion people 365 days= 1609 billion (Matches well with Revenue from Alcohol ). So! Conquering Poverty & so many global social evils with Gandhism is evident . A simple, soft , ,safe ,sustainable and silent solution.
The world population-15th Century was around 530Million .Assuming 16% of the world ,the Indian population should have been 84.4Million (8.44 Cr) only. Stop Believing Internet University's Synthesized Narratives about history and their hate numbers..
Steep and Sharp increase ! Thanks to the West for all inventions connected with feeding food for Poverty , Reducing Disease ,Pain and Elongating dignified Life span
There is enough Evidence historically and very recently through Covid ,that the Global human challenges are common....Not country Centric, Culture Centric, Religion and Region centric .It is all Human-Centric only
Only the Western Inventions have reduced the Human fear for Disease
Thanks to the West . Only the Western Inventions have reduced Human suffering and fear for pain with Diagnosis and Prescriptions. These inventions only have extended human longevity with their wants , convenience and comfort
Thanks to the West . Only the Western Inventions have reduced Human suffering and fear for pain with Diagnosis and Prescriptions. These inventions only have extended human longevity with their wants , convenience and comfort
Thanks to the West . Only the Western Inventions have reduced Human suffering and fear for pain with Diagnosis and Prescriptions. These inventions only have extended human longevity with their wants , convenience and comfort
Thanks to the West . Only the Western Inventions have reduced Human suffering and fear for pain with Diagnosis and Prescriptions. These inventions only have extended human longevity with their wants , convenience and comfort

The above is a Truncated List.....And the list of human wants from dusk to dawn further demonstrates more than 90 % of the Global Human Human want , pain reduction and Human convenience, Comfort came undoubtfully from the innovative west only.
We have selectively populated, densified and Congested the World .There is enough scope for shared wealth , happiness , peace with Gandhian Engineering, Green Engineering ,Sustainable engineering, , Inclusive Engineering

The 6 Rs? …how are they connected with Gandhian Engineering??

1.Refuse –The best of all , most Easiest, most Cheapest, Fastest, least investment , most attractive ROR? of all the 6 Rs(Eg. Refuse Human Delights –Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking, Burning crackers, and more than 4000 such similar such Human delights…...)?

2.Reduce?means to minimize the amount of waste we create.

3.Reuse?refers to using items more than once.

4.Recycle?means putting a product to a new use instead of throwing it away.

5.Rethink?is about considering how our actions affect the environment.

6.Recover?refers to the practice of putting waste products to use.

There seems enough space and opportunity to live and co-exist peacefully if there are only 2 BLACK BOXES for the Responsible Global humans ( 1. NATURE and 2. All other Species including Humans)
Human Brain is concentrated and concerned more about 0.05% of Terrorism death. The 74 % non-communicable diseases,5.6% accident deaths,1.3% suicide deaths, 0.7% homicide (Murder) goes as normal growth story .The strange brain and its priorities.
Living Longer to see a peaceful world of happiness and togetherness need not be DREAM .Should Become Daily Reality .
When the KPI of the world concentrates on Life style Linked with Gandhian Simplicity , Gandhian Ideologies , the need for more Diagnoses and more prescription and more medicines will sharply come down.
Looks like a God made self correcting situation to take care of Global mass balance and Energy Balance with Limited human intervention.
God made Self-correcting Solution in Progress
Reduction in mortality in the less developed regions , resulting in an estimated population of 6.1Billion in the year 2000, nearly 2.5 times the population in 1950. -Thanks to West and its various Inventions to reduce Human disease, pain and death
God made Self-correcting Solution in Progress
God made Self-correcting Solution in Progress
By the time the Birth rate and Death rate meet and intersect each other it can already be a world and society self-affected by Human Ignorance ,strange Human Priorities , unusual Human Behaviors, undue attachment to Human Delights .
By the time the Birth rate and Death rate meet and intersect each other it can already be a world and society self-affected by Human Ignorance ,strange Human Priorities , unusual Human Behaviors, undue attachment to Human Delights .
No-1 and No-2 in Peaceful Global human responsibility also equally important
No-1 &No-2 in What ? is also Equally important
No-1` in being the LIGHT-HOUSE and RIGHT -HOUSE for the World is important, useful and meaningful. Only with Gandhian Ideologies ,this is doable.
India is already an union of 40 Countries equivalent .
Realizing the need for Responsible Global human , Stopping hyper nationalism and celebrating every opportunity of diversity inside and outside INDIA is the only option and solution at sight .

No-1 in What ? is equally important
No-1 in What ? is equally important

Mapping Cropland Cover Around the World

Over the last 50 years, the world’s human population worldwide has grown exponentially.

And this population explosion brought greater food production needs with it, through?livestock breeding, cropland expansion, and other increases in land use.

But how evenly is this land distributed globally? In this graphic,?Adam Symington?maps global croplands as of 2019, based on a?2021 scientific paper?published in?Nature?by Peter Potapov et al.

The World’s Croplands

Croplands are defined as land areas used to cultivate herbaceous crops for human consumption, forage, and biofuel. At the start of the 21st century, the world’s croplands spread across?1,142 million hectares?(Mha) of land.

Some of these croplands have since been abandoned, lost in natural disasters, or repurposed for housing, irrigation, and other infrastructural needs.

Despite this, the creation of new croplands increased overall cropland cover by around 9% and the net primary (crop) production by 25%.

A diseased world of 193 UN registered nations , carelessly competing and speeding up everything meaningless just for Being Number-1
272/638= 42.6 % of India's lower middle class Indian Employment is given by Agriculture . The National Road map, plans, Policies, Priorities should factor and reflect this .
Around the world, 500 billion plastic bags are used each year – requiring 60 million barrels of oil to make
No-1 in What ? is equally important
No-1 in What ? is equally important
Eminent Destruction of peace and co-existence and everyone is part of the problem ...So, everyone is needed to be part of the solution.
No-1 in What ? is equally important
It is obviously an Interlocked and mutually interdependent union of nations . Co-existence is mandatory and Compulsory for mutual benefit . Not Optional
It is obviously an Interlocked and mutually interdependent union of nations . Co-existence is mandatory and Compulsory for mutual benefit . Not Optional
It is obviously an Interlocked and mutually interdependent union of nations . Co-existence is mandatory and Compulsory for mutual benefit . Not Optional
It is obviously an Interlocked and mutually interdependent union of nations . Co-existence is mandatory and Compulsory for mutual benefit . Not Optional
Synthesizing Virtual Wealth with casual compromise on Values and damaging Nature. Global Stock market of 109 Trillion USD is matching with the GDP of the World of around 105.6 Trillion USD . A Strange worrying world and a strange operating Model.
Synthesizing Virtual Wealth with casual compromise on Values and damaging Nature. Global Stock market of 109 Trillion USD is matching with the GDP of the World of around 105.6 Trillion USD .A Strange worry world and a strange operating Model.
Synthesizing Virtual Wealth with casual compromise on Values and damaging Nature. Global Stock market of 109 Trillion USD is matching with the GDP of the World of around 105.6 Trillion USD . A Strange Worrying world and a strange operating Model.
Synthesizing Virtual Wealth with casual compromise on Values and damaging Nature. Global Stock market of 109 Trillion USD is matching with the GDP of the World of around 105.6Trillion USD .A Strange worrying world and a strange operating Model.
Wealth Distribution is Equally important as Wealth Generation
Wealth Distribution is Equally important as Wealth Generation
Wealth Distribution is Equally important as Wealth Generation
The Global distribution of Work , Wealth .....
Knowledge is Power only if information and Intelligence is used without Compromising on Values and Ethics
Knowledge is Power only if information and Intelligence is used without Compromising on Values and Ethics.
Knowledge is Power only if information and Intelligence is used without Compromising on Values and Ethics

No-1 in What ? is equally important
No-1 in What ? is equally important. Global GDP -105.6 Trillion USD, Global Stock market 109 Trillion USD and Global Dept 97 Trillion USD !!!!!.Is this the right operating model ? The strange and uncontrolled Evolution is Evident,
No-1 in What ? is equally important
No-1 in What ? is equally important
No-1 in What ? is equally important
Fire and Tyre seems to have become the most deadliest Human Inventions
Coal? has the highest level of carbon of all fossil fuels. Coal Continues to be No:1 Man-made synthetic national boundaries ( Not recognized by Nature and Environment) affected by the most Dangerous Global Viral disease called - Hyper Nationalism
Coal? has the highest level of carbon of all fossil fuels. Coal Continues to be No:1 Man-made synthetic national boundaries ( Not recognized by Nature and Environment) affected by the most Dangerous Global Viral disease called - Hyper Nationalism
Artificially Substituting SUN- Not part of the 4 Human Needs
The Universal Solution is in Gandhian Ideology .Gandhism can become the guiding Light House for the Entire World .

Non-Violence, Non-Alcoholism No to Non-Vegetarian are all part of Non-religious AHIMSA

The United States, Brazil and the European Union accounted for roughly 50% of the world's beef production. The United States accounted for roughly 20% of the world's beef production in 2020.

? ?The United States is the country producing the most?beef?in the world by some margin. This is according to forecasts for 2021?by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Agriculture Organization.?The country is expected to produce 12.6 million tons of beef and veal this year. Second up is Brazil, forecast to produce 10.4 million tons. The country has in the past been heavily criticized for its large-scale cattle industry, which has caused deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and is contributing to extreme wildfire seasons the country, like the one experienced in 2019.?Most of the fires in the Amazon were caused by agricultural plot burning, many in connection with illegal land use.

An unexpected country on the list is India in rank 5. The majority of Indians are Hindus, which consider cows holy and refrain from eating them. There are large fines for slaughtering cows in many Indian states and violence in connection with cow smuggling has been picking up recently. India legally slaughters a large number of water buffalo though,?which are exported?to countries like Vietnam, Egypt, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.

*Global meat production has increased rapidly over the past 50 years – as we see, total production has more than quadrupled since 1961. The chart shows global meat production by region, measured in tons. Regionally, Asia is the largest meat producer, accounting for around 40-45 percent of total meat production. This regional distribution has changed significantly in recent decades. In 1961, Europe and North America were the dominant meat producers, accounting for 42 and 25 percent, respectively. In 1961, Asia produced only 12 percent. By 2013, Europe and North America’s share had fallen to 19 and 15 percent, respectively.

*This reduction in production share was?despite?a large increase in production in absolute terms: Europe’s meat output has approximately doubled over this period, whilst North American output has increased 2.5-fold. Production increases in Asia, however, have been staggering: meat production has increased 15-fold since 1961.

*Absolute increases in production in other regions have also been substantial, with output in all regions (with exception to the Caribbean which approximately tripled) growing more than 5-fold over this period

Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

Artificially Substituting SUN- Not part of the 4 Human Needs
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

Part of 4000 Human Delights Directly Destroying 4 Human Needs. Eminent Destruction and everyone is part of the problem ...So, everyone is needed to be part of the solution.
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

Part of 4000 Human Delights Directly Destroying 4 Human Needs. Eminent Destruction and everyone is part of the problem ...So, everyone is needed to be part of the solution.
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

Part of 4000 Human Delights Directly Destroying 4 Human Needs. Eminent Destruction and everyone is part of the problem ...So, everyone is needed to be part of the solution.
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

. The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
Caught in the cross fire Between Human Comfort and Human need

. The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.

The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
. The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
. The Human Delight Industry is Flourishing.
Cause is over & now the Effect Diagrams start ......

Cause is known & now Effect Diagram Continues ......Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......
Cause is known & now Effect Diagram Continues ......Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......
Cause is known & now Effect Diagram Continues ......Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......

Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......Time is Running Out
Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......Time and Temperature is Running Out

Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......Time and Temperature is Running out
Results of Wild deviation from God's Design ......Time and Temperature is Running Out
Knowledge is power-Results of Human Delight
Knowledge is power-Results of Human Delight
Knowledge is power-Results of Human Delight

Knowledge is power- Layers of Human Delight

Knowledge is power-Results of Human Delight

Layers of Protection needed for not just Humans ....But for Mother Nature and thousands of various species also.....

All the 193 UN registered Countries and the 8Billion people's Hands are Needed to be the Single mind of the WORLD in accepting, following Gandhian SARVODAYA, SATYAGRAHA.SIMPLICITY , Truth, Non-violence, Non-Alcoholism, and in minimizing Human Delight to save and protect the World We do not need to become the "Light house "or "White house "for the world . Enough if we just become the "Right house" for the world. Right from Vegetarianism to non-alcoholism non-violence ..all the noble thoughts and ideas of Mahatma Gandhiji are of universal relevance and seems the one and only ultimate solution.

Remembering …..Learning ….Power of Communication ……

What we remember ?

*10% of what we hear.

*15% of what we see

*20 % of what we see and hear

*40% of what we discuss

*80% of what we experience through practice.

*90% of what we attempt to teach others.

How we learn?

*70 % by our own experience

*20% by Academics

*10% by Training program.

Time use as adults





80% of our working hours we spend in communicating. We have some training for reading, writing, speaking,? talking, dancing, singing, acting,-but practically? no training for

" listening"

Understanding Human Error

1.Decision-Making Errors

2.Confirmation Bias



5.Availability Heuristic

6.Sunk Cost Fallacy


8.Decision Fatigue

9.Hindsight Bias

10.Emotional Decision-Making

One World...Only One Prayer....Peaceful co-existence

Akhlesh Lakhtakia

Evan Pugh University Professor at Penn State University

3 天前

"I Beg to market the noble "Mahatma Model" as the peaceful, rightful & needful narrative for Global human solution.' ??

Sharmila H. B.

SEO Copywriter | Ghostwriter | Write to change | One tribe. Be kind.

4 个月

An informative and thought-provoking article, Mr. Selvarajan. It is imperative to strike a balance between simple living and progress. Should learn to Refuse and Reduce, for starters.


Sivaram Selvarajan - this is brilliant piece. Thanks for sharing it and your thoughts in it. We need forces like you for right "Regenerative transitions" in this world.

Sivaram Selvarajan

Senior Manager - Manufacturing Excellence | Chemical Engineering, Process Improvement

4 个月

Thank you Mr. Kasi for your kind words and encouraging endorsement for change??It supports and strengthens my confidence to firmly stick to the minimum diameter of thought(One World) and to boldly lobby for Universal brotherhood and Universal solution ??????????


Interesting share and highly recommended for beginners / youths who would be flexible to kick start a change. And Change begins with...?



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