Strange Concept With Genuine Purpose
I have been watching this video repeatedly. The song reminds me of when a friend ran a nightclub. It was played frequently then. This video is worth another viewing
Inspiration comes from many places. I had given up on music videos by the release of this. MTV changed to garbage (too bad they did not switch to Garbage.) and You Tube was in the distance.
Music videos like this were run in nightclubs. The "Promo Only" title is recognizable from the videos I watched waiting for the dance floor to heat up. It was interesting that I left the house to watch music videos.
Another perk of nightlife. This video is better than expected. Starting out as a normal dance video: for all we know he is promoting a business through dancing. Utilizing the format there are subtitles explaining his raison d'etre.
" ...But he couldn't stop." Dancing? Loving her? Something else? She left because he could not stop and now he returns to where they met to bring her back. The adult dancer moves differently yet you can tell it is the same style. He dresses differently; still in Chuck Taylors.
Life is a trajectory. We can see our past and present. Seeing where we were and where we are proves life is a circle and no one truly gets old. A few are fascinated. Heck, the band is eating lunch and observing from a distance.
People can do anything to fill the void in their lives. He started dancing, met someone who took him to another level and cannot dance without thinking of her. Couldn't he meet someone better? There would always be comparisons to The One.
Give your best performance. Even if no one is watching. The right people will show up. The bit at the end where it looks like she returns: he saw what he wanted to see and left after making his statement. By himself. That's fine: he exerted his best effort and was appreciated by the ones who witnessed it.