Strange Attachment
Just so you might better understand what I mean when we use the term attachment when discussing a stalking scenario, let me explain. Whenever a stalker decides to actually begin stalking a specific target, I refer to this as the unfortunate moment a stalker begins or attaches his or her desires to that specific individual.
Not too long ago, I received a phone call from a private high-dollar civil attorney, which is not uncommon. However, I thought this contact was somewhat unusual because the attorney had obtained my name from one of the defense attorney’s I would oftentimes go up against when I was a robbery, homicide detective. Funny, how that works.
The attorney had been retained by a successful Hollywood tour company that specialized like several did in finding where celebrities either resided or had locations they frequented so they could drive-by these locations and do whatever presentation they had gleaned from their “research” on that particular celebrity estate.
Apparently, during one of these tours, the guide had pointed out a specific residence and stated it belonged to a well-known female celebrity. Either the tour guide had pointed out the wrong residence, or had not done his homework on same because it turned out that particular dwelling did not belong to that celebrity or any other for that matter.
Unfortunately, one of the tour’s passengers had a major fixation on this particular celebrity and more than likely had joined the tour with the ulterior motive of having her home pointed out to him. This encounter caused this individual to immediately attach to that property because a day later that same subject showed up at the estate that he had been told belonged to his celebrity, and somehow got onto the grounds and attempted to gain entry into the residence. Even though he was told by the present owner the person he sought never lived there he continued his attempts even after he had been contacted and admonished by local law enforcement. The obsessed fan was finally taken into custody when he confronted and assaulted the owner whilst trying one more time to forcibly gain entry.
Now you might be able to understand why I was being contacted by this barrister. So, during several of the fan’s entry attempts he advised the frustrated owner, that he was positive that the female actress in fact lived at this home because the tour guide had told him so, and he would not lie about something like that. Therefore, the owner of the residence who had been plagued by this clown had decided to sue for damages.
I have no idea how this action played out. After giving the attorney some advise, I stepped back from the case. Now, you can see just how easy it is for someone, more than likely with a mental disorder to attach to a specific target.
Personal Leadership, Stress & Success Coach, Author, Artist, ASCAP Songwriter/Publisher, 2X Stroke Survivor, Proud Military Veteran (USN & USCG) & Prior Law Enforcement & Intel Professional
5 年I remember the Theresa Saldana case where a stalker went after her. She almost died from that one.