Straight to Heaven-Without Judgment
Muhammad Ashraf Sial P.E?
Sustainability Writer |PEC Professional Engineer |FEED Construction |Project Management |PMO |MEP |Building Services |NEOM |OXAGON |BIM| Cost Optimization |Technical Engineering| Google Certified-PM| Saudi Council Member
As we face yet another Dilemma and Massacre uprising in Middle East, the call for Unified front among Muslims becomes stronger and stronger. While Most of the Muslim Nations still rely on US stance to Handle the #Israel and #Palestine Genocide, the economical showdown has played a major role in building narratives. With Economy comes power and with power comes the responsibility to be fair and unbiased in challenging times. "This phrase seems like an Islamic Nature of narrations" where the humanity as a whole is being discussed.
Muslims account for approximately 25% population of the world and are numbered at 1.8 Billions spanned over the world in every corner of the world. This number might skip the population in some Indian and European Nations where people hide their religion because of public dissent and securing job opportunities.
Muslim countries especially the member of OIC has a net worth of around 22 Trillion USD. While the bombs rain in on Palestine, not a single member of the So called Muslim block has stood up firmly to support the Palestine and Avoid Genocide of 2.3 Million people who live in open prison for more than 50 years. While Israel being the oppressor successfully plays a victim card, leaders of the World seem to align and accept each and every word coming out it as true. Some Leaders including US seem to have gone too far to accept the fact that killing of 450+ people in the hospital can't be IDF doing and deny the death toll which is confirmed from many International Organizations.
Fault in the Stars:
United Nations, seems to be inactive and ineffective, just like OIC, in putting things straight and point out the atrocities being carried out for more than 15 years ;if the earlier count is not acceptable to UN. The Veto Power Show has become interesting in recent week as One Veto Members puts the resolution and the other Stops it citing their own reasons. This whole system of Veto Seems to be putting life of people at risk if they do not align with Veto Member's Political Gains. For a modern and progressive world, a pure democratic system shall be applicable rather than Vetoed System which will continue to shelter countries which comes under the umbrella of any Veto Member. This system makes a safe heaven for the oppressor and occupants if they join hands with Veto Member.
Pakistani Case:
I have come up with a conclusion that "Pakistani People will not be judged and put straight to Heaven/Hell". Diversity of Pakistani Population has been dwindling since Zia's Regime in 1980's which formed hardliners and gave fatwas against people who do not line with their definition of Shariah. The reminiscent of this still haunt where Mullah's in many Mosques insight violence and give decree to people not following their code of conduct/Firqah. While the public is sentimental towards any atrocities against Muslims, anywhere in the world, they go blind when it comes to people living in the same community. Pakistan Being a Nuclear Country and responsible Muslim state should act wisely and progressively towards Muslim Cause as a whole. We have been setup by our internal difference, failure to govern, unleashed military and balance of power in governing sections making us unable to voice against any atrocities in the world.
As we say" innocent people will directly go to heaven" whether it be in Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan and even in our governed territories of Balochistan and KPK. We seem to be very skeptical in demanding justice and on ground realities whether it be APS, Missing Person, Our role in Black September or whatever the case may be.
A nation with Degraded Justice System, Blind Educational System, Flawed Governing Policy and Power in the hands of few can only pray and seek Ababeel coming to solve their problems. As an old wise man once said " If the Angles or ababeels were to come for Muslims, they would rather keep pelting stones on Muslims for not standing against the oppressor".