Sometimes you can't seem to start, or you are stuck, you run into a writer's block or something else is in the way of your storytelling or you as the storyteller. No worries, we've got your back. For your convenience we'll release two checklists - one for Branding, Product, Service, Organization, Cultural & Corporate Storytelling and this article on Art, Fiction, Character, Film, Novel, Literature & Poetry Storytelling as the second. Just go through the tips and tricks, and get a head start! We'll have you back in the flow and the zone in no time.
Now remember... not all of the tips will resonate with everyone. This is simply an excerpt from the book The Whole Story - The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling and the idea here is to just pick'n'choose which tips and tricks suit you at this time right now.
You can always come back for another look... it's up to you! Now without further ado...
(For a list of all Storytelling definitions, concepts, wordings and descriptions please check and follow the link here)?
Storytelling Tips & Tricks - Especially when experiencing writer's block:
- Relax.
- Tap into universal creative energy. By - again - relaxing.
- We know, we know, we know... Telling your story can be daunting we know... so again just try to relax and have fun.
- Point?Zero:?How?will?my?audience feel?
- Conflict,?journey,?and?resolution?are?three?main?story principles.
- Stories?are?equipment?for?living?(Burke)
- Use?friction?and?conflict?to?be?remembered.
- The?journey?is?more?important than?the?destination.
- The?more?friction in?the?journey,?the?more?meaningful?the resolution.
- Resolutions need to make sense.
- Create?pull,?not?push.
- Create new paradoxes.
- Close your eyes. Visualize the outcome.
- Empathy?is?a?must;?sympathy is?a?choice.
- Don't worry. Storytelling is a seller's market.
- ‘The?medium?is?the?message’ was?a?warning,?not?an invitation.
- Use your birds’ eye view, see the bigger picture.
- You are the master of your own story.
- The?harder?the?challenge,?the?bigger?the?transition,?the better the story.
- Story?is formed?in the mind of?the receiver.
- We?all?want?to?be?part?of?something?bigger than?ourselves.
- Think?media?free.
- You?don’t?have?to?start?with?a?big?audience.
- Take?a thousand?tiny?steps?to success.
- Failure?is only?failure when?you deem?it?so.
- We mirror each other’s emotions.
- Emotions are communication tools.
- Even?a?paperclip?is?interesting?with?a?journey.
- Combine function and emotion.
- Tech is a mirror: how you use it defines right or wrong
- What?values?does?my?persona have?
- How?will?they?respond emotionally?when?a?value?is confirmed or challenged?
- What?moves?and?motivates?your?persona??What?spurs them into action?
- Which?emotion?is?linked?to?your?story??And?which?do you want?
- A?good?setup?is?key.
- No one is above ridicule.
- Dialogue resembles our inner discourse.
- Align?inner?identity with?outer?image.
- Reach a state of suspension of disbelief.
- Break?it?down into smaller pieces?of cause?and effect.
- When?you’re?stuck, just?go?back?to?the cause.
- When?you’re stuck, up?the pressure.
- Struggle?with the?setup? Set?it?up?like a haiku.
- Where?does?my?narrative?river flow?
- What?is?the?topic?it?is?all?about?
- The?aim?of?action?is?to?move?things?progressively?forward.
- Show?clues,?foreshadow?clues,?or?keep?clues?hidden.
- Strive?for?campfire rhythm.
- Videogames?build story?suspense with?risk?and reward.
- “When?in?doubt,?have?a?man?come?through a?door?with?a gun” (Chandler).
- Go?over?your?childhood?favorite?stories,?feel?their magic… and then start.
- Be?impeccable?with?your?word.
- When stuck,?symbolize.
- When stuck,?try?a?different?intonation.
- Experiment…?do?I?like?working backwards?or?forwards?
- It?pays?to?be?contemporary?and?do?your?research.
- Dive?into?their?cultural?living?space.
- Understand?your?medium.
- Form?counts.?But?don’t?put?form?over?substance.
- When?stuck,?map?out?the?story?beats?in?a?beat?sheet.
- When?stuck,?go binary.
- Fear is not?the same as?danger.
- When?stuck,?focus?on?the?victories,?however small?or?big.
- Perfection?is?boring. Let?it?go.
- When?blocked,?do?only?five?minutes?of?work?a?day.
- Don’t?do?it?all?alone.
- Lower?your?expectations.?Of?everything.
- You?don’t?control?your?audience.
- Your?art?is?not?your?own.
- Open?your?channel to?the?universal?creative?energy.
- Get?your affairs?in order.
- Live?a?little. That’s?where?the?muse?is.
- Be?mindful?of?your?feelings,?but?do?not?accept?them?as facts.
- Fear?is?the?mind?killer.
- Friction?leads?to?polish.
- In?vulnerability?lies?true?strength.
- Make?art?for?art’s?sake.
- High and low culture are illusions that?change over?time.
- Be?your?own critic.
- Be?passionately?curious.
- Script.
- Again,?script.
- You?weren’t?paying attention.?The?answer is?still:?script.
- Input?is?output.
- Stuck?with?your?climax? Use?the?story?beats?to?become more extreme.
- Pattern?recognition?is?a?helpful?tool?to?make?shortcuts?in the story.
- Pride?is rich?ground for?creating?the?bad guy or girl.
- Never?stop?asking?questions.
- Leave?space?and?freedom?to?your?audience.
- Understand?your?medium… is?it?passive?or?active?
- Read?the?room.
- When?stuck,?connect?to?the?Zeitgeist.
- Show.?Don’t?tell.
- Keep asking?questions.
- Be?careful?with?a?Deus?Ex?Machina.
- Let?go.
- People?are?not?psychic.
- Use?a mind map?to connect?things.
- The?climax?should?always have?more?pressure than?the inciting incident.
- Formulate?emotional?target?groups?first, demographic audiences second.
- When stuck,?cut,?or?kill?something or?someone?off.
- The?bad?guy?or?girl?is?always the?one?who?can’t?accept truth.
- Demystify?the?method.
- Strive?for?simplicity.
- Know?when?to?quit.
- Stop?projecting.
- Pursue?truth?and?authenticity,?not?facts?per?sé.
- You?are?not?your?character?(quote from Syd Field).
- Melodrama??Use?wisely. And?sparingly.?You?have?been warned.
- Kill?your?darlings.
- Art?mimics?life.
- If?you’re?stuck?with?a?stereotype,?just?add?another value.
- The?first?action is also?the most?important.
- Lose?the arty-farty?attitude. Nobody?cares.
- When?stuck,?raise?the?stakes.
- Get?into character.
- Deep?down?we?always know?the?difference?between?lies and truth.
- Refrain?from?judgement?as?best?you?can…?for?as?long?as you can.
- All?successful?things?and?people?are?emotionally intelligent.
- You?can’t?be?everything?to?everybody.
- If?you?don’t?reach?the?heart,?offer?a?discount (Peter Lodeizen).
- Storytellers?are?not?agenda?pushers.
- In?a?time?of?noise, ‘all?publicity?is?good?publicity’?doesn’t work.
- Embrace friction?in brand?and business?storytelling too.
- When?you?add?conflict,?change?will?occur.
- Turn?value?states?‘on’?and?‘off’
- Play?with?extreme, even?opposing,?value?states.
- Can?you?make?it?smaller?
- Actions?speak?louder than words.
- Never?sell?out?your?creative agency.
- Everyone?has?a?story,?yours should?be?next.
- There?are?always new?monsters?to slay.
- Have?fun.