Storytelling a real leadership ingredient...

Storytelling a real leadership ingredient...

Emotions are everything if you’re trying to connect with someone. And one of the best ways to do this is to share your true stories.

Storytelling grabs the attention and imagination. It can also spark new ideas. Ideas within you and in the people who are listening.

Think about how children can get really excited when you read to them. Have you ever noticed how they can start to embellish the story with things that just seem to spring to their mind? It’s fascinating. That’s the magic of how stories can spark a new set of ideas and thoughts.

Alan Rickman was a wise man

‘…It’s a human need to be told stories….we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible.’ – Alan Rickman

I think the late, great actor hit the nail squarely on the head.

To connect, establish rapport and get your team thinking (and feeling!) you need to establish a common bond.

That’s the wonderful thing about stories and storytelling. It touches a nerve or an emotion. Your story can be something that everyone can relate to, but be unique to you at the same time. That’s a winning combination.

If you’re trying to get across a radically different idea, or challenging your team to think differently, then they will only grasp a new idea or concept through the story of one individual.

That individual would be you.

The trick of course is making sure that you can tell your own story in the best way possible for you.

Perspective Positioning

Essentially your story will help your team walk a mile in your own shoes.

Storytelling in leadership can be used to get teams to see things from a different perspective…and that’s the start of the process to change how they feel.

Telling your story can also start the process of changing how you think and feel.

Importantly, as you retell your story, you can even begin to generate new ideas and insights that are beneficial to you. And your business. 

Successful business owners totally get the power of their narratives in every aspect of their business. They don’t just “market” their products. They reveal the real them through their stories and journeys.

Storytelling can allow you to become more meaningful to the people you meet in every part of your life.

So go on discovery YOUR STORY and how to tell it better on our DISCOVERY DAY.


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