Storytelling and the power of vulnerability
On Friday I did something that I have never done before, and that's open up about personal issues that I have had over the past few years. Talking about hitting rock bottom and how my life sucked. It was all my own fault as I had not listened to my body and to be honest I was chasing happiness in all of the wrong places. If you would like to read this, you can so HERE.
Now the reason for this extremely personal email today is that the response I have had from people who have been suffering as well or going through a tough period in their lives has been mind-blowing. It just shows that people are so good at hiding and masking issues, and putting on a mask that makes everything look alright to the outside world, as this is precisely what I did.
The last two Friday's were huge for me, as I had two keynote presentations at different education conferences in Australia. Now I usually never talk about myself, but I spoke from the heart and told my story for the first time about hitting rock bottom, and how I was so unhappy it wasn't funny. This is something that I have been nervous about for a long time, as I am usually a private person, but this was telling it all to strangers and anyone who would listen.
If you are going through a tough period or life seems to be unfair, I found that working on four key ingredients every day helped me. And that's what I spoke about, having play, gratitude, exercise and giving in each and every day. You can read an extract here from the Tasmanian paper about my message. Click HERE to read the article.
Two things have come out of the last three years for me, the app I created 'Jugar Life' which was designed merely for me to use and take control of each and every day. The most fantastic thing about this now is that teachers are using it with students to start the morning off in class, and also using it at the end of the day to reflect on everything that has happened during the day.
The last thing is that me sharing my story has allowed others to know that it's alright not to be okay and that you don't have to battle issues by yourself. The messages and emails I have received from people have been mind-blowing, and I am genuinely grateful that my message has helped people. If you are going through a rough patch take it step by step and focus on daily routines that help you. The four I use work for me, and they might be a good starting point. Sorry that I have rambled a lot in this post, as you can see I still find it hard to talk about the issues that I have had. Each time I do though it gets easier and more comfortable. Have a great Monday everyone.
Regards Dale