Storytelling is more important than ever
As human beings we crave social interaction, it's in our genetic make-up. For millions of years (yep, he's back on his History again) people have gathered to hear stories of great deeds, triumphant victories and tales of sorrow. Whether it's in the shadow of the Parthenon in ancient Greece, under the stars by Indigenous Australians in the outback or around a group of colleagues in a Wall Street office (or should I say on a Zoom call now), the setting may have changed over time but the importance of storytelling has endured throughout our history.
In these difficult times of social distancing and restricted social interaction, it's even more important and relevant to hear each others stories regardless of their background or context. (Although, I must admit I prefer more inspiring, thought provoking and occasionally humorous ones!). They gives us strength, inspiration, hope and freedom of expression all of which I believe are crucial to our mental wellbeing this year especially as we battle the global pandemic. These stories become even more powerful and meaningful to us when they could from a person that we can relate to and have an affinity with.
This was at the front of my mind when we embarked on our Virtual Club Originals campaign which we launched last week. In a nutshell we reached out to a diverse group of people from our Virtual Club global community and invited them to tell their own personal stories through a series of monthly posts in the hope that their incredible experiences can inspire and encourage others in the corporate world to live healthier lives, both mentally and physically.
Our Virtual Club Originals (from top left to bottom right: Elaine Bell, Anthony Fernandes, Caroline Masters, Lauren Weintraub, Judy Takei, Dan Jackson, Rafael Reno, David May, Lizzie Roe and Horace Siu)
As part of the recruitment process I had one-two-one video calls with each of them at morning, noon and night to get to know them a little better. I was truly stunned by what I heard. From stories of incredible weight loss to unbelievable sporting achievements alongside personal triumphs in the face of adversity that I hope none of us ever have to face. What is even more incredible is that all of this was achieved in the context of continuing to thrive in roles at some of the biggest businesses on the planet.
However, no one's achievements are any better or worse than anyone else's. What's important that we are all continuing to strive for improvements to society and our own lines, regardless of how big or small the starting point may be.
So when you are next sighing at the latest news headlines...STOP! Instead make a positive action to seek out motivational and inspirational stories (perhaps even from some of our #VirtualClubOriginals?) or better still tell a friend/colleague/family member or even yourself in the mirror of a positive moment in your life and what you learned from it. Admire the powerful impact that this exercise has on you and the people around you to find something extra to strive and thrive in these challenging times.
The Virtual Club is a free-to-access fitness and wellbeing web and mob app platform designed for corporate professionals around the world. To find out more and to register visit: