Storytelling and children's words.
Michel Boustani
Turn your data into a story, into a game, into art. (Mark Sample)
Storytelling and children's words.
As part of the practical work of the online course I am following and wishing to apply the recommendations of the teachers of this training, I had the idea of proposing to two of my grand daughters Mia & Naya, start a written storytelling project, to do this, I ordered them dummy empty books where ones could use to fake a book when I was working as a production manager at a printing company, we used these dummies to simulate to the client an example of how the final product would look like. Each of the girls will have her own, on which she will? record the stories of her choice. Every time their parents bring them over, we will try to put? ourselves in a writing workshop mode, thus creating the story they love the most.
There won’t be parental supervision for the two budding authors, in addition it will be possible to have more fun together, such being memories they will remember forever, and who knows maybe one day they will sit in front of their screen and write for their readers another story, the story of their life !
Until next time
Michel ? - 2023